Homepage Forums New feature TrackIR 5 Support

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    Brandon WalkerLonnyEnds

    Hello Greg keep up the great work!

    There is a passionate group of simmers playing games such as DCS, IL2, Project Cars etc that require proper 6 Degrees of Freedom Head Tracking like the TrackIR has. The proprietary issues with Natural point will probably mean an open source DIY Infrared tracking solution would probably be needed.

    Here is a thread with more information.


    This would be huge as people with lower end headsets that are playing seated games without VR controllers are often left with Gyro head tracking and limited to 2 axis of movement rotation.


    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    does the games play via steamvr? if yes, the only problem is that u are not properly detected by kinect when sitting close to your desk. yes ?

    Brandon WalkerLonnyEnds

    Yes Greg so far Opentrack etc has only worked with HMD as “extended monitor” whereas I’ve been looking for a Direct SteamVR mode solution which you can provide by the looks of it.

    I personally don’t have a Kinect but do have a trackIR5 as well as a PSEye camera DIY IR setup using three IR Leds.

    I know there is a group of people looking to get simple 6DOF head tracking for seated games. I would greatly prefer to use the IR tracking for all axis vs a blended IR positional and gyro rotational as PImax has very bad drift.

    I hope I am being clear I can try to explain better if needed.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    next week I will release variant of option 2:
    Option 2 to use device gyro tracking with opentrack Kinect and source of light. So basically you need only one source of light and it does not have to be big bulb.
    Just to clarify it will be approx 180 degree tracking. because you will use source of light, kinect will not need to track your body so basically all ‘kinect can’t see skeleton’ problem will be gone.

    regarding Option 1 to use only opentrack protocol to expose tracking to steamVr
    I have preliminary implementation to detect orientation based on arbitrary led model but I am not sure if I will implement this in first place as alternatively you might use daydream controller located somewhere on your head. it is indeed very small and leightweight.

    but to be honest I have not tested it yet as source for orientation headset but only for controller and it works very well.

    i am not know if daydream has no yaw drift. from what I have seen I am almost sure it does not have drift but would like to confirm it 100%.

    currently I am using it as controller and works amazingly well


    Brandon WalkerLonnyEnds

    Awesome thanks for exploring these options as this would greatly help us with lower end headsets. As long as it has reliable 6DOF head tracking at a reasonable price point me and many others will be happy. I will look to this thread for updates.

    I mentioned opentrack as I know the acceleration tweaking etc would be great to have and I would be able to use my existing setup with modified PsEye camera and IR LEDs. Any solutions welcome!

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    hi. u play those games without headset ?
    it looks only for rotation of head. yes?
    can u give me few links of gameplay ?
    sorry. i just see u use pimax so headset. can u show me few gameplay ?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Bla BlablaGreg Driver.
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver


    the solution would be that you use opentrack and i will listen and change it to SteamVR head position and potentially calibration.

    What do u think ?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i have version with free track support if anyone want test.
    that means you can use leds to get head tracking. no kinect required.


    I wouldn’t mind testing, I have trackIR5 and also have used freetrack with a led clip solution. I do also however have Kinect on the way..


    now I happy with my pimax4k and 4 eyeps3 cam and one ping pong for position tracking

    and I like to join test Option 1 (to use only opentrack protocol to expose tracking to steamVr)

    I have Track IR with custom Track Clip (for test opentrack)
    IMHO Track IR player is a big group.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    please try this build. you need set last option in headset position – freetrack.
    that means basically anyone can attach aruco marker to your headset and try 🙂


    i am very interested if that works 🙂

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i think we can also say that TrackIR5 is supported 🙂
    basically we need tool called FreePIE and script that will translate TrackIR5 to freetrack which has just been added in above build.

    that basically mean we have these versions:
    – Freetrack can be provided by many sources using OpenTrack. For example PS Eye camera with IR leds. this should work already with above temporary build.
    – TrackIR5 but we need to run extra script which I think we can easily make.

    are you still interested ?

    Brandon WalkerLonnyEnds

    Hello Greg yes it sounds like you are exactly on track to provide a large niche group with exactly what they want proper 6DOF head tracking while seated Ala trackir5.

    I have been sick lately but will try both my trackir5 and freetrack/open track setup using ps eye and delanclip with 3 IR leds. Thanks so much for including these things.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    hm. it seems like at the end no one cares 😉
    i will make video this week with pimax and classic opentrack setup 🙂

    Brandon WalkerLonnyEnds

    Sorry Greg as mentioned I’ve been dealing with a bunch of medical stuff I will try and post results later today.

    Brandon WalkerLonnyEnds

    After checking out this build and messing around with freetrack some it seems like steam VR is getting the data properly. However it seems like only the X Y & Z (Translation) data is being sent. Is there any chance of having Roll, Pitch and Yaw (rotation) sent to Steam VR as well since I can disable tracking of HMD and rely on IR vs gyro tracking for no drift.


    @LonnyEnds Thanks for share your testing

    Seem Driver4K come close to success point in TrackIR5 support,
    for “Yaw” is very important in war bird flight sim when need to check Six.
    I don’t want to turn my head true 180 degree because my wife laugh at me when I did that 😛

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by karostkarost.
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    thanks. I have contacted them asking to integrate more closely and give also orientation data.

    i also tested this and basically all was fine except when I was moving left it was like left but also forward. while I did not move forward at all.

    can you share how you set up your freetrack ?
    or are you using trackir5?


    Brandon WalkerLonnyEnds

    Hey Greg I have had better luck with open track than freetrack in the past so u am still trying to get it running smoothly. I was also getting a z translation (foward back) with head rotation but assumed it was due to not having the proper measurements and settings cofigured properly yet. I will see if I can get it working better. I am using a 3 point IR system in triangle on hat Ala trackir5.

    The main issue with trackir5 is natural point is very protective of their drivers and I haven’t seen anyone able to make trackir5 senor base recognize as a camera to be used in freetrack/open track. I believe freetrack had it at one point but got a cease and disist from the makers of trackir5. This is what has pushed me to a pseye setup.

    I will try some experimenting and letting you know how it goes. As I mentioned if I could send rotation data as well from freetrack etc to steam vr that would be awesome as acceleration etc could be implemented.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    I think I might be able to figure something out also for trackir5 😉
    But I would like also make it working with Freetrack. I ordered one and waiting to arrive and then will try. Cause now I think it is not usable. If I cannot fix this with configuration perhaps I can get some support on their forum and as last resort I can add calibration but would like to avoid that.


    Brandon WalkerLonnyEnds

    Awesome thanks for looking into it further. I know the main difference is the track IR has a IR emitting transceiver that picks up your three points from reflective tape vs active IR LEDS to pseye. The main obstacle being drivers and the fact windows does not want to recognize trackir5 as a camera.

    I loved my trackir5 setup and would love to still use it but pseye solution also works. It may be worth looking at open track as well similar to freetrack but has many options for both input and output of data (including freetrack 2.2 protocol out).

    As mentioned above I will continue tinkering around to see if I can get current build working without issues when I have some spare time.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    don’t we have it all in opentrack now working ?

    Brandon WalkerLonnyEnds

    I have only had freetrack work for me so far so I will try again with opentrack set to freetrack output and let you know.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    thx. very curious 🙂

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