Hello, anytime i go to calibrate the driver4VR… it shows my actual face, and not the stick figures. I looked at 3-4 videos, old, new, nothing on this issue. When i go into VR chat with the driver4u on, my controllers dont even work.
Also, body tracking doesn’t work in game, i cant even move in game. I really need some help. :/ I’m not even sure where to go or what to do for resources.
are you saying that you stand in front of kinect and it does not recognize skeleton?
i see you have few things in your room. try move it away from center and let me know if that helps.
I’m Having the same issue, for some reason the application it’s showing the normal camera when I try to calibrate the Kinect now instead of the stick figures / Skeleton.
I tried reinstalling, clearing the settings but the issue it’s till there.
Well, it works fine when I use the Kinect Developer Toolkit . But the Driver4VR keeps showing the camera preview instead of the skeleton. I think the color tracking broke the application and I can’t find a way to go back to the original settings.
Even if I just use the Kinect: Skeleton option for Body tracking, when I select calibrate it keeps showing up the camera.
ok. so you see camera preview like on very first post on this topic. right?
and body is not tracked at all.
but with skeleton tracking sample from sdk it works. yes?
SDK examples show my skeleton just fine, but Driver4VR just shows me in the camera view with no skeleton. I just purchased this and I’m not even able to use it until this is fixed.