Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Tracker location not right even after repeat calibration

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    The emulated trackers in steamVR will not be in the proper place, even after calibration. It will follow my movements just fine, but the tracker locations will be shifted in random directions (usually either to the side, or up/down). Repeat calibrations don’t fix it, and often times break it even more.

    Sometimes it’ll work as intended, but the last two or three updates seems to have really increased the frequency.

    Is there a way to shift the tracker locations at least? Or a way for it to put the trackers on my body properly.

    So for clarification, it tracks me just fine, but it will not put the trackers on my body/in the right place.


    I am in the same place did u fix it yet .iv had this for over a month payed for it and every thing and it still wont work at all

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can you confirm steps. after you start steamvr, you perform headset calibration each time? that is you face headset to kinect and press calibrate to allow calculate angle between kinect coordinates and headset yaw offset.
    and even after that you see hand trackers in wrong place ?

    if you don’t want to do it each time then you must ensure that headset has same yaw offset each time you start steamvr.

    for example for trinus psvr you must ensure it will point same direction when trinus psvr starts.

    please let me know if that helped.

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