Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting SteamVR wrong controllers

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  • #4187

    Nexus6p with headset
    LeapMotion Sensor on headset
    2 Evo Bluetooth controllers

    I have the bluetooth controllers mapped in Driver4VR as VR gamepads to Vive controls. when I launch SteamVR both Trinus and Riftcat work fine in SteamVR home. When I launch into VRChat Trinus setup works fine and sees the controllers as Vive controls. When I launch VRchat with Riftcat using the same setup it sees the controllers as Oculus controllers with the wrong mappings. Reason I want to switch the HMD to Riftcat is it gets much better performance in-game if I could get the controls working correctly as I don’t see a Oculus control setup in the program.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    so in SteamVR Home trinus and riftcat are both showing vive contorllers ?


    Yeah the mappings are the same to the controller using the Vr Gamepad setup to the bluetooth controllers. In SteamVR it seems to know them as Vive but when I launch the game it changes to Rift mappings ingame which would be fine if I knew how to map the rift controllers. Any ideas would be appreciated.

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