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    I’ve been playing with the Kinect, and have gotten mixed results. Sometimes it seems great, sometimes not so great. The main problem is the shakiness, and with leap installed, it seems worse.

    I was playing Belko and basically thought it would be fine without tracking if we could just crouch. Many games wouldn’t even need positional tracking if we could just have a crouch button to pick things up off the floor. Is that a possibility?



    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    yes. this is very interesting compromise to just have button. but on other hand it will be hard to maintain too many buttons for specific cases.

    can u tell what is your kinect version? do you rotate 360 degree with kinect or only front facing? when it is shaking most?
    i tested recently and I had quite decent results so would like know how you use it better.



    I use the slim kinect 360. It is connected to a usb 2.0 hub. Using the latest version of driver4vr you uploaded to the thread the other day.

    When I tried yesterday, it would only allow front-facing. It basically shakes all the time. I can stop it if I set the first setting (sorry I can’t remember the name, I’m not at home) to 0.95, and that works, but then movement is really slow. Other settings are set at around 100, and 8.

    I am using a Pimax. I have noticed that when I look up or down, the image tends to warp or move slightly, like if I have the steamvr menu in front of me, and look down, my head position will move up slightly, so the menu seems to move even though it should be in the same position. I wonder if that warping is some kind of conflict with the Pimax gyros. I have no idea but it seems that way. For now though I think that issue isn’t as bad as the shaking.

    Could the shaking be a usb bandwidth problem? I have many devices plugged in. I did try removing them though and it didn’t seem to help. On your setup is the kinect tracking perfectly smooth? What are the best settings to use?



    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    before we go into settings, what height do you have kinect? i prefer it to be at height of mine or even bit higher about 2 meters.


    I guess I have it quite low, is high better? I have it low so that I can bend down to pick things up without losing tracking. I’ll try with 2 metres.

    With my height set, it felt like my feet were way off the floor, like I am hovering. My height is 186 but if I set that it steamvr it feels way higher, so I always move downwards with the move feature.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by JonnyJonny.

    I just discovered snap crouching is possible anyway with OpenVR Advanced Settings, and works pretty well, in case anyone is interested. Just set steamvr height to where you want the lower height to be, map a button to it in advanced settings, then add the rest of your height in the advanced settings menu.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    ok. htere is one thing you can do.
    below list of controllers there is virtual move. just select controller and pick select ‘move’ and on the right you will see button that you can also chance.
    from now on, when you press button and move controller the space will move accordingly.


    That does work but I stopped using it because it seems to be relative to the steamvr center position. So if I turn away from the center, the move forward direction changes. It makes it difficult to move in the direction you want. Is there a way to make it relative to the direction you are facing? I think walkinvr had that, from what I remember.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i will look on that. but you can still simply move down and up.

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