Homepage Forums New feature Set player height permanently

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  • #4625

    Hey Greg, I wonder if you can help with this.

    I don’t use positional tracking so I wonder if I can force a default player height.
    SteamVR often messes up my height so sometimes I am about 20 cm tall etc, and have to reconfigure.
    Is there a command or some way to fix the height permanently?


    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    you mean to set position to specific x,y,z ?
    how about hands ?


    Yes, I mean setting a specific y axis height. So that when you start SteamVR, the height is always set to that position. So that if the height changes during a game for some reason, it will return to the default height the next time I start SteamVR. Right now I have to run the Room Setup every time, or use the controller move function to get back to the correct height.

    I think if there was a feature in Driver4VR to set a default position in the UI, it could be useful for many people without positional tracking, or people who only play seated with an xbox controller.

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