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    D TXcalibur

    Hi Greg,

    Any tips for playing in the seated position? Tracking is sometime too shaky.


    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    assume you use kinect skeleton tracking.
    if you use colour tracking then you can play even in bed 🙂

    what vr config you have ?


    D TXcalibur

    When colour tracking for controllers is enabled, head tracking is shaky. I guess it still can’t distinguish me and the chair…

    D TXcalibur

    Nevermind. It’s head tracking that is shaky at long range. I guess i need a bulb, reflector or something….

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    yes. in 3.1 i added head tracking with colour and it should work well.
    i ordered also reflective tape and will see if that is enough for tracking.
    i guess it would be perfect for seated position.

    if you don’t mind asking. what games do you play with controllers and seated? how do you move around in such case?

    D TXcalibur

    Star Trek Bridge Crew. It’s crossed platform and non-VR compatible.

    People don’t move around. They just seat in different rooms of a starship. Meeting table, bridge console. Controllers to tap on console buttons and microphone for social gaming.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by D TXcalibur.
    D TXcalibur

    I know you are working on this but just FYI.

    I tried to use colour tracking for both controllers and HMD, but HMD is still shaky like the controllers. Position is more precise and relative positions are more realistic 1:1.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    hmm. do you calibrated colour properly ? can you see it while you move around your play area? what is size of colour you calibrate – perhaps you can share screen of colour calibration screen?
    sorry fro so many questions but this should really work well.

    D TXcalibur

    I tried your suggestions and tried different things with the setup (with the lights off and an adjustable light filter).

    It works better at short range regardless of brightness as long as it is not too bright. However, the brighter it is, the better it’s detectable at long range.

    The only way I can tell the quality of the calibration right now is by how frequent the square boxes flashes for the controllers. If tracking is consistent(less or no flashing), there is less jitter. I can’t do the same for HMD because it doesn’t have a square box(or my bulb is too dim?)

    Otherwise, can you also add a box for HMD colour tracking or some other indicator so we can tell the quality of tracking (rather than a pass/fail)? Kinect360 really needed to be used at long range because of the fov. Thanks!

    P.S.: Using colour tracking for everything has a CPU hit that result in more latency. It will be great if it can be reduced further… 😀

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    yes. headset rectangle is not shown what can make confusion. will fix that.
    right now I am working on CPU.
    yes. if square box flashes and you can see in the left rectangle info that it is not detected it means that colour is not detected.

    If you play sitting position you should see in the window in calibration mask a pretty white circle. i assume you sit not more then 2 meters from kinect. this is pretty close distance and tracking should work very well.

    can you send some screen so I can understand what happens?

    D TXcalibur

    Mmm.. for seated, I’m at 2.5m and more. For room-scale, I’m at 3m to 4m.

    I know that skeleton works pretty well at close range with no shaking.

    I guess I have to move the sensor…

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    what source of light do you use ?
    if PS Move then I am really sure it should work very smoothly once you have exposure properly done.

    For seated position it should work extremally well because you can put kinect close to you like 1.5 meter and have big ball easy captured.

    If you still have problem we can have session together and I will see where problem is.

    This is how I have it for colour tracking of hand (same is for head).
    Drvier4VR colour tracking view

    First of all, in Filter view (right bottom) you see clearly the ball. Then on left bottom in rectangle you see Tracked colour is also red that means it was properly identified and detected. It is already evening and I have only nomrmal light but you see that basically upper right window is black except of ball (this is not required though).
    Then on bottom left you have some data. Tracker posision is 2d coordinate that should smoothly go with your ball as you move it smoothly.
    Depth should also change smoothly if your moves are not violent. Of course they can be fast but I want solve head tracking problem first.

    You can tell me if you can observe all I have mentioned here. Let me know. Alternatively we can set up a session on skype or discord.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Bla BlablaGreg Driver.
    D TXcalibur

    Just tested it a bit i few games at close range without moving the sensor.

    Wow, it works better! It was really a range issue: now that the CPU load is less, it recovers faster and I can practically dual yield guns close to 360 all around even when there are occlusions.

    My calibration was actually like you have explained. Jitter is worse with distance from sensor.

    It is playable at room-scale but with jitter.

    PS. did you enabled vibration? One of my games(using Unreal engine) starts to have it! But the controllers tracking don’t work(stayed on the floor at default position but with functional buttons). Don’t know whether it is a problem with the game or Driver4vr.

    D TXcalibur

    Nevermind about the vibration, it was a game glitch.

    My bulb is an orange table tennis ball glued to a led. It is a dimmer than the PS Move orb but I found an exposure suitable for all three with the lights off in the room. I have wrote my experience in the announcement thread.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by D TXcalibur.
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i would like to solve problems with headset jitter.
    do you mind recording short video to show it ?

    D TXcalibur

    Btw, it’s not just HMD. Colour tracking in general is jittery. The controllers are vibrating when I’m using skeleton head tracking. It’s just that when it’s the HMD, its more apparent because the whole Fov shakes. It does’t matter whether it’s my or ps move’s led ball.

    D TXcalibur

    After more gameplay, for seated position, colour tracking with ROI for everything is still the best option.

    For some reason, skeleton tracking for seated position gets worse with time. After a long while, it’s more shaky than colour tracking HMD.

    The only problems left are the minor jitter for colour tracking and sometime crashing/glitches because CPU utilization is maxed out.

    It’s definately playable for long duration with colour tracking for now!

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