Homepage Forums Body tracking Riftcat, Xbox360 Kinect, Bluetooth controllers and VRchat

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    So I am trying to get my system setup for VR. Riftcat has been working well for me, I am trying using an Xbox360 Kinect for arms/body tracking. I have set head and body to skeleton tracking by the kinect, I am able to see my self on the display, move my arms in Steam VR, I am able to calibrate etc but as soon as I get into VRchat I am all over the map and just a pile of loose bones. I have tried checking the kinect, making sure I have room etc but I just can’t get VRchat to track my body. Any ideas or suggestions?


    First of all you need to be all calibrated on center, then when you get into VRChat u need to check on system if your height is ok, then when the model is on “T” Pose try to extend your arms to fit the model’s hands and then press both triggers


    I am about to sound like a total green horn but what do you mean by Calibrated on center? As for the Height I keep running into an issue with my camera being SUPER low like between my legs. As for Triggers I am using RiftCat so I have a Phone, a case and some cheap Bluetooth controllers I bought off amazon do you mean the triggers on it?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    you need to stand in way that vrchat balls will align with avatar and then look forward and on each controller press Grip. important is that you look forward otherwise avatar will not look well.


    I am running into a weird issue now. So I have set up Steam VR to in place tracking, I have the height set to my height in game, but now my character just runs around by it self not listening to the control sticks if I press the sticks it will change directions but by default my character is always walking around. I have tried removing the batteries from the controllers while in game one then the other to see if maybe it’s the controllers but that didn’t help. I pressed the grip buttons and got my arms tracked semi properly though so things are moving in the right direction 😀

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