Homepage Forums Announcements Release – Virtual Trackers and Arm Emulation – Half Life Alyx

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  • #14511
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    In this release we have a feature that allows emulate movement forward with arm with a virtual trackers configuration using joy-cons or ps move.

    Other changes:
    – added hand tracking with kinect !!
    – tVR disable monitor power saving to avoid black screen
    – update to OpenVR SDK 1.10.30

    Gaetano colellaenigma19


    Jarosław Kiepurakieper

    Greg Driver, zajebista robota! Kinect + joycon’y na poprzednim driverze robiły robotę (HF – Alyx), teraz na nowej wersji sterowników mogę zagrać w wygodniejszej pozycji (na siedząco) z pełnym ruchem ramion 🙂 Trzymam kciuki za dalszy rozwój sterowników!

    Dmitry SDi1Ly

    Thanks 4 your work!

    There is a bug in this release.

    How to reproduce the bug:
    Use buttons “square” and “triangle” to change view angle in HL Alyx by PSMoves.
    When buttons is pressed the view angle changing continuously.
    If buttons is pressed ones than there is some errors in angle view change.

    According to previous release there was no such bug.

    Jarosław Kiepurakieper

    I’m after 3h of testing this drivers with Half Life: Alyx. This feature to use joy-con’s “<” and “A” button for shoulder lengthening are really great!
    But for more convenient operation (more comfortable) with joy-con’s is there any possibility to remap these buttons to “L” and “R” buttons? Thanks in advance 🙂

    Luis FranciscoDinosaur Rex

    Does it prevent Joycons from disconnecting when using Kinect as trackers and Joycons as controllers?

    Gaetano colellaenigma19

    in game space pirate trainer, how do i activate the shield?
    Arm Emulation?
    use psmove…

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Gaetano colellaenigma19.
    Hernan Cerullohernan

    a query how do I update an OpenVR SDK 1.10.30?

    Gaetano colellaenigma19

    Hi Greg, would it be possible to save the settings in the shift / offset controller?

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