Homepage Forums Announcements Release – Tracking Lower Body with Kinect

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  • #14091
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    In this version a settings and tutorial to set up tracking of lower body

    Additional changes:
    – with no headset, can enter tVR mode without further restart of SteamVR
    – ability to manually set parameters in manual calibration
    – update to new OpenVR SDK 1.9.16
    – fix for menu button not working

    – Add Kinect 360 feet rotation.


    Watched the Video, This is nice, really can’t wait for that Dual Kinect Action, then my Wireless Cosmos, full body tracking, setup will be complete!

    Hy DiaHydia

    Really looking forward to the 2 kinect tracking solution. I honestly think if you can get us 360 deg rotation tracking of legs and hips , You will absolutely make a ton of money since it is the only other solution outside of paying $500-$700

    Big question I think I would have, would be if a colored light system could be implemented with the dual system or not.

    Coyote MationCoyotemation

    How does one enable 360 feet rotation?

    Holly GrimesTsukikoChan

    Have you been working with Nicoco to try get driver4vr working again with the new version of BeatSaber? Kinect FBT hasn’t worked in BeatSaber for quite some time now.

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