Homepage Forums Announcements Release – Gamepad emulation of HTC Vive Controller

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  • #5952
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    in this release:
    – emulation of htc vive with xbox gamepad

    tomas irlvekTomas Irlvek

    Hi, I have two problems:
    1) in steam VR home I see the virtual knuckle and can be controled with gamepad xbox but when I start a game I loose control. I still see the knuckles but I cant move them through the gamepad anymore.
    2) the virtual knuckle moves itself and when I put headset off I see the cursor of the mouse also moving on the screen.

    The two problems might be connected I dont know.
    Does anybody of you have had such problems


    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    after launching game you need bring driver4vr window to the top.

    tomas irlvekTomas Irlvek

    Thank you,
    I try it and report here.
    Do you have a clue what the unwanted cursor/virtual knuckle moving might cause?

    tomas irlvekTomas Irlvek

    bringing the driverVR window on top worked.I can now move virtual knuckles or hands but the second problem still persists: IN VR HEADSET when I move right knuckles in some direction through gamepad it continues moving even I stop. ON PC SCREEN at the same time as I operate virtual knuckles in VR the cursor on pc screen runs like crazy and because based on your recommendation I have drive vr window on top spread through the whole screen it accidentaly close it or minimaze it as I move and click the during operating the in VR.
    I hope you understand more less what I mean.

    Do you know what might cause this problem?

    Thank you for a help


    Ron Dwyerg-coded

    Hi Greg, decided to purchase this and got the leap motion as vive wands working right away. However, the SteamVR input(official) seem to intercept a lot of the xinput commands when trying to remap an xbox controller(just for testing). I’m not sure if I can delete the default controller config(SteamVR input), or if this is only an issue in SteamVR Home(pre-configured). Is there an easy way to ‘disable’ xinput being natively used in SteamVR, so that I can use all buttons/axis?
    Also, is there a list of working “bluetooth vr controllers”? I checked Amazon, and most(including the one in your video)only list Android/IOS support.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    are you using xbox gamepad ?
    so your question is that in steamvr overlay you get additional input like a normaln controller, not emulated?

    Ron Dwyerg-coded

    Yes, using an X360 wireless has default mappings for SteamVR(native). I was able to map right thumbstick click to the leap motion right hand touchpad, but couldn’t get the left thumbstick to do the same. Just wondering if this was a SteamVR Home profile(I will test in game) or if the SteamVR Input is going to interfere with controller remaping. Also, is there any plans to support leap gestures?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i hear about leap gestures in vrchat but have not time yet to look at them but going to do that.

    Ron Dwyerg-coded

    Thanks Greg. I think even if you got the system/menu gestures working that would free up a couple buttons when using a ‘vr bluetooth controller’ which has limited inputs.

    I recently got a ‘vr controller’, and SteamVR treats this as a native input as well and hijacks the inputs. I’m not sure if there is a workaround for this, so I may use SteamVR input for one controller, then use D4VR for the second(Steam doesn’t allow remapping for 2 controllers).

    C GC G

    Does anyone have or know where I can get a copy of this build of Driver4VR? I have had to reflash my firmware back in order to be able to play SteamVr on OSVR server with DK2+Nolo.

    Purchased Gold membership of Driver4VR but have since uninstalled as latest updates pertain to latest Nolo firmware and, there seems to be more focus on Body Tracking rather than Nolo hand tracking.

    Would love to try this version to see if it improves on my OSVR experience which unfortunately, does not have 180 function rendering room scale games useless.


    TI EN MAmatien

    Could you revert the up down movement of both sticks? cause now when you pull stick up your hand go down.

    Nadim JanjuaNadJ

    I too am getting unwanted overlayed input from Steam/Steam VR client. I have played with all settings, the darn thing can’t be disabled. Any solutions?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can u try to disable gamepad support in SteamVR addon settings ?


    ok đó

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