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Tagged: mouse
- This topic has 24 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 11 months ago by
Dmytro Balobin.
2019-01-07 at 14:20 #5861
Greg Driver
KeymasterIn this release:
1. Keyboard and Mouse emulation of HTC Vive controller2. Added info about potentially required PIN for Joy-Con pairing.
3. Added Visual Studio Redistributable installation during setup.Update at:
https://www.driver4vr.com/download/2019-01-07 at 14:47 #5863Pearce32
ParticipantIs it possible to do custom mapping?
2019-01-07 at 14:48 #5864Greg Driver
Keymasterif that will be required I can add. but wanted to release it and see if people like it.
2019-01-07 at 14:54 #5865Pearce32
ParticipantOk I’m thinking with this I might be able to use my gloves
2019-01-07 at 19:16 #5867Foga
ParticipantWhere is nolo vr rotation fix?
2019-01-07 at 20:11 #5869Pearce32
ParticipantIt was so cool! I was using my captoglove in steam vr as mouse!
2019-01-09 at 23:54 #5881ΑΓΓΕΛΟΣ ΚΟΥΤΣΑΥΛΗΣ
Participanti buy the driver4vr today but can’t play any game on steam vr i make all right on your video for keyboard and mouse emu but i cant only 2 3 buttons work i cant move arount i test on paranormal activity i test it on the exorkist i test it alot on many games… work perfect only on steam home … i use windows 10 latest uptade i try with my leap motion to but same
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This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by
2019-01-10 at 07:58 #5884Greg Driver
Keymastercan you give me one specific example of what does not work with mouse emulation?
i will try that and see where problem is.2019-01-10 at 11:34 #5892ΑΓΓΕΛΟΣ ΚΟΥΤΣΑΥΛΗΣ
Participantmy english is so bad sory for that i try to explain if i go on steam home all work fine i can use my keyboard and mouse to teleport on this room buttons work but not all if i go in game on any game use only vive controlers some buttons work but not all so on the more games i cant move around teleport no working games have deferent buttons deference games is not all same layout so maybe need addd manual button config from the players so if i can chance my own what the game need maybe work after that i see inside the program if i press on my right mouse the triger on my left mouse the triger preset to is like i have 1 mouse no to or if i use keyboard and mouse i pres triger on my mouse and work on the keyboard left side to like 1 i try many hours . the other probelm i have leap motion work perfect in visualiser i see my hants work perfect there aif i use this on drive4vr i chose leap motion the hand controlers in gam,e is up on my head not front on me and moves like crazy random i use windows 10 latest update piplay with pimax 4k the last version piplay i have 1 xbox360 gamepad this not working on drive4vr to same resaults on steam i see my leap motion like 2 poligon with C on the logo here some pictures from my setup https://imgur.com/a/6wEMkfj is set all like your tutorial on the red cyrcle is the games i try to test with driver4vr
You must be logged in to view attached files.2019-01-10 at 11:43 #5897ΑΓΓΕΛΟΣ ΚΟΥΤΣΑΥΛΗΣ
Participantin game if i press left klik on my mouse for example make the same like my right button or the alt make the same with my left triger on my mouse and in other game same is like i have only 3 buttons on my keyboard and my mouse do the same job so make the game unplayble for me
2019-01-10 at 11:56 #5898Greg Driver
Keymasterfirst of all you have some other leap motion driver.
can’t tell if they clash. please try only driver4vr.
i am not sure if you will play doom this method 😉2019-01-10 at 13:18 #5899ΑΓΓΕΛΟΣ ΚΟΥΤΣΑΥΛΗΣ
Participanti have instaled the steamvr_leap_driver for steam can see with this my leap motion anyway so i dont need this driver??? i need only driver4vr? and my leap work on steam?? this is the 1 problem i try now the other is like i said mouse and keyboard no work rigth if i press on my mouse rigth hand the triger i see the triger on my left hant in game buttons not work if i put space onm my keybopardi see the left hant put triger in game but put other buttons on my right hant to
2019-01-10 at 13:30 #5900ΑΓΓΕΛΟΣ ΚΟΥΤΣΑΥΛΗΣ
Participanti delete the speamvr_leap_driver i use only the driver4vr now but if i chose the leap motion on driver4vr i see my hant up on my face and leap motion move no work
You must be logged in to view attached files.2019-01-10 at 19:49 #5904ΑΓΓΕΛΟΣ ΚΟΥΤΣΑΥΛΗΣ
Participantcan u refunde nothing work on me i try for many hours
2019-01-17 at 11:13 #5950Greg Driver
Keymastersure. drop me a note via contact form.
2019-01-31 at 20:40 #6089ΑΓΓΕΛΟΣ ΚΟΥΤΣΑΥΛΗΣ
Participanthi greg i order this 1 https://www.ebay.com/itm/KINECT-V2-WITH-ADAPTER-FOR-XBOX-ONE-S-X-PC-VRCHAT-INCLUDES-CAMERA/283266429752?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 kinnect v2 let me know if i use drive4vr with this 1 can i have foul headtracking for my pimax ? i mean if i play acceto corsa or some sim like dcs acceto can i move my head front left right ??? because my pimax4k have only gyroscope 360″
2019-02-04 at 11:47 #6105Greg Driver
Keymasterhello. that is correct but you want to use it for seated gameplay and that might require some effort to set it up so it can see your head with no problems.
alternatiely use colour tracking or IR trackign (which I am gonna to make tutorial for).2019-02-05 at 16:56 #6129ΑΓΓΕΛΟΣ ΚΟΥΤΣΑΥΛΗΣ
Participantyes greg i just want play games seated some simulator game race sim and fly sim! i search on google and i see the kinnect so i order 1 from ebay thanks i wait for your tutorial
2019-02-05 at 17:14 #6130Greg Driver
you can try head tracking using skeleton method right away.
just make preview and ensure it can see you properly.
otherwise I will be releasing it soon.2019-02-05 at 17:18 #6131ΑΓΓΕΛΟΣ ΚΟΥΤΣΑΥΛΗΣ
Participantok thanks for info
2019-03-08 at 06:43 #6369Dmytro Balobin
I just bought driver4vr to emulate virtual controllers by mouse.
But my driver4vr didn’t see mouse and keyboard in device list. I try plug all mouses and keyboards what I have in any usb port. It not help. Wen I open mouse/keyboard capture windiw and press F12 key, mouse cursor freeze in center of window untill I press F12 again. Driver4vr was strted in admin rights.
Can you help me?
Thanks!2019-03-12 at 07:07 #6389Greg Driver
Keymasterare u on windows 10 ?
2019-03-12 at 15:14 #6395Dmytro Balobin
Participantno. Windows 7 only.
2019-03-13 at 08:25 #6411Greg Driver
Keymasterit does require win10 🙁
2019-03-13 at 15:33 #6431Dmytro Balobin
ParticipantOk. Thanks.
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