Homepage Forums Announcements Release – First version of body tracking with Kinect

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  • #396
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    Today we have first release of body tracking. You can can get latest version from download page.

    Instructions how to set up Kinect Body Tracking is explained in this video.
    More information will be provided in this forum post.

    In this version there are also two improvements of existing features:
    – Joystick is now less sensitive to small movements and should work better overall.
    – DK2 configuration – added parameter to fix orientation.

    In case of any questions or problems please use any of forums to find answer or ask.


    • This topic was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Bla BlablaGreg Driver.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Bla BlablaGreg Driver.

    I love how you keep adding amazing stuff Greg, very good!

    Is this for Kinect 360 too or just the Kinect One?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    this work with both.


    I will test this with my PS Navi controllers/Leap Motion later, I need to see if the spammed input area bug is fixed.
    By the way, thanks for the nice software.


    I tried to download (https://www.driver4vr.com/re/download.html?uid=572) using Firefox but received an Avast warning for HTML:RedirME-Inf. Also tried in Chrome but got a connection was reset.

    I have some Vive trackers so I wanted to compare with the tracking using a Kinect.

    Also wanted to ask what is the easiest way to use this with Unity? I have an existing Unity project that uses Vive controllers and trackers. I would like to swap it out to use a Kinect. From your videos it looks like you had some 3D engine hooked up to it but I couldn’t tell what it was.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by darkcserdarkcser. Reason: Ask about Unity integration

    What is the best ? I am in doubt on which kinect I invest? kinect one or kinect 360?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by darkdoidodarkdoido.
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    I contacted you directly about link.

    I am only providing trackers to steamvr so they shoudl be visible in same way as vive.

    if you have rift then my suggestion is kinect one.
    vive or nolo will not work with one so only option is 360.


    2017-09-17 at 04:34

    Greg Driver

    if you have rift then my suggestion is kinect one.
    vive or nolo will not work with one so only option is 360.

    So does this mean that my setup problems are because the Kinect 2 isn’t compatible with Vive?

    Great idea. Paid for full membership. SteamVR updated. Broken software.
    Will post to the forums but thought I should let you know here 1st. GTX970 i7 32GB rab Kinect 2 SDK, Drivers all in and good as per the app. After many reboots, clicking, cursing, etc. I see the trackers. However as soon as Driver4VR goes live the HMD starts flashing and when I try and calibrate it says HMD not tracking.

    roze thornexzroze thornexz


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