Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Recommendations on full-body tracking setup

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    Dear Greg,

    Right now I have a mobile headset with Riftcat and 3 PS Eye camera along with 2 PS Move controllers. Positional tracking with PS stuff doesn’t work well for me so I would like to buy a Kinect for full-body tracking (prefarably including hand gestures, e.g. finger tracking as well). My main concern here is if I can have a full body tracking with fingers moving in VR Chat. So my questions are:

    1) Can I get full body tracking with this setup (Mobile headset+Riftcat, Kinect, PS Move controllers) in VR Chat?
    2) How can I get a finger tracking as well (working in VR Chat)?
    3) Which Kinect version would you recommend at the moment for that kind of setup? (I’ve heard that you’re going to implement multiple Kinects support which would be awesome)

    Best Regards

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    from your list I am not sure about finger tracking. kinect is really not designed for this but I am not saying no.
    also you would like to have finger tracking with ps move controller?


    Yeah, after some more research I see now that it looks kinda impossible atm. I believe I’ll settle with just kinect 360 for now and see what can I do with this. I guess I also need some bluetooth gamepad (or 2) with gyroscope and analog stick for moving in VRChat. May be leap motion could be a better option for finger tracking though, but I don’t know how would I control moving with it. Do you possibly have any idea on that? I mean controlling one’s movement (locomotion) in VRChat with Kinect+Leap Motion?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    if you have leap motion and vr controller then u map touhcpad to vr controller config. you need to press joystick and then you will see event. just select horizontal or vertical axis and apply.


    Well I gave up on finger tracking at the moment. Now I have another huge problem with my RiftCat + Kinect 360 setup: it crushes SteamVR server for some reason if I choose body tracking from kinect. I described it here: Problem

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