Homepage Forums New feature Real ViveTracker for hip + Kinect for feet

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  • #5083
    Saria PSaria

    I have one hardware Vive Tracker that I’d like to use for hip tracking while using Kinect for feet tracking only.
    It currently works as is in apps like VRChat, provided I start up the devices in order of controllers -> tracker -> Start D4VR.

    I wonder if being able to dedicate the tracker to the hip within D4VR would yield a better result and also allow the feet angle to follow. That is, the “Feet tracking from body pos – hips” would read the tracker’s orientation rather than the skeleton, and allow the left and right foot to be determined properly when facing away from the Kinect. Something to that effect.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Saria PSaria.
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