Homepage Forums Body tracking Questions about xbox 360 kinect tracking

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    Daniel von TrothaDaniel von Trotha

    Hi, i’m looking into purchasing a Kinect, My current setup consists of 2 non wii motion plus controllers and a google cardboard device. Before I would go into purchasing a Kinect, I have some questions:

    1. Will The kinect allow me to move my arms around with a bit more freedom than with just the wiimotes?

    2. Is the xbox 360 kinect compatible or is only the xbox one kinect compatible?

    3.Am I able to use wiimotes in conjunction with the kinect?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    1. yes. 2. right now both. 3. yes

    Manuel Barca Gramajackangel

    That’s also what I’m using and I’m sorry to say that it does not work at all (VRidge+WiiMotes+Kinect360).
    The calibration is a complete mess no matter what settings I try. The body trackers always show up around me at a few meters distance in VR, hands also.
    If i use only kinect (No VRIDGE – output is set to Monitor) with Beat Saber for example, it works reasonably well but when I combine Wiimotes+Vridge+Kinect it is a complete mess.
    That it is why it would be great to have the possibility to use action bindings to avoid using Kinect altogether (used mostly for crouching, jumping, reaching out…).


    I see greg is here so i’ll jump in here to ask 😊
    Did you update the software? For some reason the configuration of the skeleton is no longer looking the same in my software after i made some changes to the setup, i cant åick 2/5 point calibration and move the emulated vive trackers.. basicly my head is stuck in the floor and i cant figure it out.. 🤯 please help!


    please tell me your program interacts with two xbox kinect 360 at once if both are connected to the computer, will the motion tracker be improved?

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