Homepage Forums General PSVR v2 + PSMOVE ZCM2E + IVRY + kinect one

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  • #10981
    Sandor VariSandor Vari

    Hey Greg!

    Can you help me?
    I tried this config: PSVR v2 + PSMOVE cech-zcm2e + IVry in steamVR + kinect one
    I don’t understand, but the kinect working, psmoveservice working (?) in background, but in SteamVR i can’t change the “input device” in steamvr to psmove…

    I installed SteamVR
    I installed Steamvr Ivry
    I installed driver4vr ( and tried psmove with kinect)
    I installed psmoveserive and connected (and worked in psmoveservicetool) the 2 move
    I installed, but don’t found psmovesteamvrbridge (this is the error?)
    I start all program and i haven’t psmove controllers… only virtual hand tracking.

    I need trinus? I forget any program? I make a mistake in steamvr.vrsettings file??
    Or my bluetooth adapter an chinese CSR8510 A10 the wrong? The 2 move working in psmoveconfigtool…

    Can you help me? 🙂

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Sandor VariSandor Vari.
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can u send me screen pelase?

    Sandor VariSandor Vari

    Hey Greg!
    I can’t use psmove controllers in steamVR.
    Can you copy the steamvr.vrsettings file here?

    My config:
    PSVR v2 + PSMOVE cech-zcm2e + IVry in steamVR + kinect one (v2)

    I installed fresh win10 and i make this:

    1.install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service pack 1
    2.install STEAM
    3.install SteamVR
    4.install directX
    5.install Ivry (steam ivry)
    6.install PSMOVESERVICE alpha release #9.0.1
    starting psmoveservice (admin mode)
    starting psmoveservicetool (admin mode)
    calibrate the 2 ps move. and working here…
    7.install psmovesteamvrbridge-1.6.0-windows-installer.exe
    8.go to the program files x86\psmovesteamvrbridge\installer\ and run install.bat
    9.in steam directory i check the steamvr.vrsettings file: “activateMultipleDrivers” : true
    10.install kinectSDK-v2.0_1409 (admin mode)
    11.install DRIVER4VR
    12.in driver4vr
    head: kinect – skeleton
    hand: psmove with kinect
    push “tracker manager” and i enable PsMoveService Ps move controller
    update list of devices and i ASSIGN the two psmove controller for devices
    13.i check the PS resolution 1920*1080 60hz

    Starting a game and the kinect follow my hands, but not the psmoves.
    What i forgot? Maybe: “virtual move and rotation” menu? One time was the green box in steamvr, with psmove calibration, but now haven’t… 🙂
    Or installing more program? Zadig? FreePie?
    In driver4vr i have 4 controller (not 2) is i starting.
    -PS Move – dc_dc_dc_dc_11
    -PS Move – dc_dc_dc_dc_22
    -d4vr_left – d4vr_left
    -d4vr_right – d4vr_right
    Buttons working but not like a touchpad, but if i write steamvr.vrsettings file, the driver4vr lose the settings.

    Can you help me?:)

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can you first uninnstall psmovesteamvrbridge ?
    do you want to use hand tracking from kinect or ps eyes?

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