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    D TXcalibur

    Hi Greg,

    I know it’s WIP. Just giving it a bump since more FPS games are coming out this year. It would be great to have at least one PS Nav working in game for linear locomotion/weapon selection.

    Since newer PS Move controllers have gyro calibration issue, it messes up the current work around. THanks! 🙂

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    you mean PS Move button press as trackpad ?

    D TXcalibur


    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    why it is not wokring ?

    D TXcalibur

    Not all the time since the gyro is not as well calibrated. It would be great to have a joystick at some point.


    Ps navi should work. It does for me, using a dongle and scptoop 1.6.

    Sometimes it needs a restart, seems to register under a few different ids in driver4vr, so you might have to remap a couple of times under different ids, or restart until it gets back to the first id.

    Basically keep remapping and restarting and you should be good after that.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    are you saying you can use it to full extent ? i mean buttons and joystick ?
    is there a purpose of integrating it wiht d4 ?


    Yes, everything works except the trigger. I guess it works because scptool emulates a 360 controller? It can also connect to psmove service, all the buttons are registered as a navi in the config tool, trigger works there.
    I guess if you get the trigger working, and haptic feedback in steamvr, it’d be great.


    I followed this to set it up:

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    so it works except of trigger ?
    if trigger work you could use current mapping. right ?


    Yes, everything works except the trigger. And yes, if the trigger works I will just map the trigger, then done.

    Right now I use the bumper as a trigger and joystick click as the
    touchpad click. It is fine but the trigger would be
    more comfortable, with bumper as grip.

    If the trigger is added, it’d be pretty much perfect, except sometimes needing to restart the navi to get the ID. That isn’t a big issue though, it only takes one or two restarts usually.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    that means you restart few times until it will get again configured ID?
    do you use 2 navis ?
    also you need restart few times until you get proper id for each navi ?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can you tell if you see trigger as axis ? if yes. what is range ?


    I just use one navi. The range of the trigger is -1.0 – 1.0. It shows up as event 5 in the first picture.

    I just restarted about ten times and looked at what happened.
    I often get something like the first picture if the navi isn’t working. A weird ID. Driver4VR says the buttons are mapped to the right controller, but they don’t do anything in SteamVR.

    Then I restart and hopefully get picture 2, and get a device with no ID at all. But it works fine in SteamVR. All buttons and joystick are mapped and working fine except the trigger.

    Then sometimes I get the third picture, registering as Device 1, and nothing works.

    This makes it sound worse than it is really. It usually takes less than 2 restarts to get it working as it is in the 2nd picture.

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by JonnyJonny.
    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by JonnyJonny.
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    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i might allow mapping axis to button. that will do the job.


    Sure, that’ll be great. Cheers.


    My psnavi just stopped working on 3.10, and it confused me.
    Turns out I had enabled 360 pad support in steam controller settings, and for some reason that seems to have stopped Driver4VR from detecting it.

    So basically if anyone is having problems with Driver4VR detecting the navi, disable 360 controller support in steam.

    D TXcalibur

    Great! Having haptic feedback like in PSMoveService would be awesome too… 😀

    D TXcalibur


    Hi Jonny,

    Can you tell me how you disabled 360 pad support in Steam? I did it in General Controller Settings in Setting/Controllers but the navi is still working like a 360 controller.

    I can assign buttons in Driver4VR but it doesn’t work in SteamVR. Did you went through the entire setup in Daley Tech’s tutorial or just the SCPTool part?


    D TXcalibur



    I saw the tutorial for the old gamepad button assignment. And I also tried the new one. Even though the assignments worked. It doesn’t in SteamVR.

    Is the PS Navi supposed to show up as a PS Move device in device manager that can be previewed? Mine doesn’t. But in button assignment, it detects the buttons presses.

    In SteamVR, after bringing up the menu with PS Move, I can move around in menu selection. But I think that’s just 360 gamepad behaviour right?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by D TXcalibur.
    D TXcalibur

    So far, I have tried with or w/o using PSMoveService, with or w/o manually adding mapping in steamvr.vrsettings and it’s still not functional. It only works as a gamepad in SteamVR.

    If I don’t enable it in PSMoveService in DeviceManagerConfig.json, it shows up as gamepad W in Driver4VR. Button assignment are in steamvr.vrsettings (like you guys had back in October).

    If I enable it in PSMoveService, it shows up as gamepad with no ID. It works fine in PSMoveServiceConfig and in Windows Device as Xbox360 Controller.

    Can you let me know those details concerning the setup you are using right now to make it work? And how do you avoid it behaving as a gamepad in SteamVR? Even without Xbox 360 controller support, it still behaves as a gamepad(Dpad and Joystick moves cursor in SteamVR menu but trigger is not available).

    I want to use it for TouchPad and forward/backward move locomotion.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    let’s see if you can assign trigger from navi to SteamVR in this build.

    you just select trigger, then press navi trigger and it should detect it and assign.
    if not working can you please send me logs as described here?

    D TXcalibur

    It assigns but not working in SteamVR.

    Here’s the logs.

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    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    and here it is.
    it really must work. it just must!!!

    D TXcalibur

    Better. But unfortunately, still no.

    I can see joystick movement on the touchpad of the controller model. However, it’s not a solid dot. It’s flashing like it’s intermittent. I map the rest of the buttons but none of them do anything.

    My nav can still move the cursor in the steamvr menu and select with X in the overall menu but not in each dashboard like the trigger.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by D TXcalibur.
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    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    did you press start ? are you saying that it don’t work at all ?
    just a xbox controller like steamvr navigation, not related to actual vr controller?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    did you made this?

    PS Nav for joystick

    D TXcalibur

    Yes. I remove all controller support. Even remove the mapping scheme for 360 controller.

    When I try to use it in game, steamvr thinks it’s a gamepad.

    But at the minimum, it still have some basic gamepad support and i can’t disable that. I guess it’s some kind of conflict? Did anyone else able to map a normal 360 controller to motion controller?

    I still can’t preview navi in device manager of driver4vr even though assignment works.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by D TXcalibur.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by D TXcalibur.
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    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    Can you tell if anything from Navi works for controller emulation ?
    are we talking here about trigger problem or to make it working at all ?

    , perhaps you can help 🙂
    I was under impressoin that only trigger is what is missing for Navi.

    D TXcalibur

    no… Nothing is working on my end. 🙁

    He made it work without an ID at all. I think he completely removed it from PSMoveService api and steamvr.settings. That’s how i get the no ID situation(I did tried that too but it does’t work either). Now, i have enabled it in PSMoveService and shows up as w before you manually change the ID. It worked without an ID for him so I don’t think that is the issue.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by D TXcalibur.
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    yes. it should not be in any way added to ps move service.
    if you hvae ps move service driver for steamvr that might be cause too.


    Ah sorry, I just noticed this.

    Can you tell me how you disabled 360 pad support in Steam?
    I didn’t, I just use the other controller to interact with the menu. Most games only use SteamVR controls, not xinput. For games that do (like Doom 3) I disable controller support in the game.

    Did you went through the entire setup in Daley Tech’s tutorial or just the SCPTool part?
    I set up Scptool and psmove service (I also have psmoves, and assigned the navi to a psmove in the psmoveservice options) but I don’t think you need that because the navi controller works even without starting psmove service.

    Is the PS Navi supposed to show up as a PS Move device in device manager that can be previewed?
    It should just show up as an xbox controller after the scptool is setup.

    It shows up as gamepad W in Driver4VR
    On mine, when it shows up as W or Blank, it works. I also have the psmove service driver for steamvr installed (I use it for another reason: you can fake an Oculus tracker with it). With or without it, it still works. I have used the navi for about 6 months now under a lot of different configs, with and without psmoveservice/steamvrbridge.

    Sorry I don’t have a good answer as to why it is working for me and not for you. I will try to record something to show it does work though, maybe my steamvr log/settings will help?

    Ok, you will just have to trust me, the video was a shaky mess.
    Here are the steamsettings and log files anyway.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by JonnyJonny.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by JonnyJonny.
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    Another tip: if you add a recent games panel in steamvr home, you won’t have to use the steamvr menu, and you can load games with the navi that way.


    Sorry I got confused there.

    Can you tell me how you disabled 360 pad support in Steam?
    I did disable 360 support in big picture mode, same as you have in that picture above (because enabling breaks the navi inputs somehow), but it still makes the navi act as a 360 controller in SteamVR.
    For me that is ok, I just either use SteamVR home to launch games, or directly from the desktop. And in-game the navi is usually always working fine.

    Hope that makes sense.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can you try this build, if trigger in Navi works for you ?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Bla BlablaGreg Driver.

    Tried it.
    It shows up as a virus in Windows Defender, but I ignored that.
    The trigger still doesn’t work, but everything else is fine.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    would it be possible to clear configuration first? i added link button on the right side of start button.
    then you calibrate only trigger.
    then send me logs please.


    Ok, here they are. I haven’t tested it yet, will remap everything and see.

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    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i see some entries left. can you delete everything from
    line 12: “driver4vr” : {

    to line 113: },

    you might make backup before just in case of typo and steam clean everything else too.


    Ok, here it is.

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    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    this is what happened after configuring trigger?
    are you sure you used this build ?


    I am using the build TEST build. Should be the correct one, I got it from the link above.

    All I did above was configure the trigger, like you said.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    that means I need test more 🙂


    Hi guys. Is the ps navi controller still working in steamvr for sending all the inputs of the ps navi in steamvr?



    I wonder if the ps-navi is already fully functional ??
    i bought 2 and would like to use them !!!


    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    if you connect ps navi to pc using psmoveservice tutorials it will appear as vr gamepad I think. i will allow to do custom mapping from vr gamepad to any controller so you can override its controls. this is the way.

    Kevin Jindethejsn

    Greg, I have Navi successfully mapped as VR Gamepad. Is there a way to make movement of the joystick also register touch on the touchpad. Sometimes its difficult to click the joystick down and move the joystick. In PSmoveservice, as long as you move the the joystick it acts like it was touched.

    So instead of clicking joystick first (to register touch) then move. just move joystick for automatic touch.

    ps. Is it also possible to keep the move controller buttons working even as normal even if navi/vrgamepad is mapped to it? This way we can use it in Ps move, or Psmove +Navi without configuration change.

    D TXcalibur

    Me too I find this problematic. I guess a work around would be to assign the top tab button as touch and use the joystick while resting your index finger against it.

    Hard to press trigger at the same time though.

    It does feel easier/faster with emulation. I think it’s because the Navi is not as ergonomic as the move: hard to find the buttons with HMD on. The buttons aren’t positioned close enough to finger tips.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by D TXcalibur.
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