Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting PS Move + Kinect +iVRy

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  • #10884
    Sascha Shaxchecker2k


    first of all Driver4VR is amazing. Thank you for the work.

    I got some problems with PS Move Controllers (PS4). They work perfect, but when i do fast movements they lose calibration and i have to recalibrate position with select.

    Is there a way to fix it?

    For Beat Saber and other fast games it’s horrible.
    I think about sending them back.

    I use a setup with Kinect and Color Tracking. I also tried virtual trackers and normal skeleton. It’s everywhere the same.

    Thank you for your help.


    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i would recommend use kinect hand tracking a new feature not released yet.

    to to device manager and kinect tab. then select to ignore ps move orientation.
    you will have only hands tracking but that will work for games like beat saber.

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