Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Problem with calibrationg of my ps4 move

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  • #10915
    Maxim GreshnovMax

    Hello! I have so many questions!
    The first questions concern my problem with calibrating the magnetometers of the PS4 motion controllers. This option is always disabled for me! How can I calibrate a magnetometer?

    Next, I have one PS4 camera, can I use it as a Kinect tracker?

    And finally, I have a bit of a problem with the VR steam, I don’t have a button to activte steam vr menu! Must I use always my oculus go controller?

    Thank you!

    p/s My config is:
    Oculus go
    Two PS4 move
    and I have one PS4 kinect camera

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    you don’t have magnetometer. can’t use ps4 camera.
    you can select steamvr menu by pressing system button on ps move.

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