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  • #227

    i want to put a couple of IR-Led’s on my Pimax to have positional traking and most of all fix the drift. as i understand it only Kinect 2.0 is able to read orientation so far…?
    do you think it will be possible to use a full pointtracker in combination with the pimax-gyro at some point?


    …as a sensor i’d want to use a psmove camera with ir filter.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by flexodoodflexodood.

    Hello guys I’m having some tracking problems I’m still testing the driver4vr, when I use the yellow pimax ball 3 to do the tracking until then I can use it, but when I connect the ball 1 and the 2 ball to the hands it messes everything up! !! The tracing cancels, and the drawing of the left hand goes to the head and becomes a mess, could someone help me?


    Hello guys I’m having some tracking problems I’m still testing the driver4vr, when I use the yellow pimax ball 3 to do the tracking until then I can use it, but when I connect the ball 1 and the 2 ball to the hands it disorganises everything! !! The tracing cancels, and the drawing of the left hand goes to the head and becomes a mess, could someone help me?


    you shuldn’t hijack this thread though?


    if you could make this work in your software i’d make some pics and a tutorial on the pimax forums 😉

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    Flex, yes I think that would be possible, driver could provide delta orientation for the headset based on difference between orientation from tracker and gyro.
    there is however small risk that it will not work. i have seen that orientation changes might not work ideally on all headsets – at the moment only CV1.
    also Kinect has IR camera and it can ready face direction.

    But this is piece of work and I am not sure if can pick it in short term.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Bla BlablaGreg Driver.
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    I understand you use PS Move. Please check with config tool if tracking of all bulbs work without any issue.

    Mihail KuprinCReDo

    Ronny,the problem is not in driver4vr but in psmove.
    In your case, not the correct calibration was done and the cameras capture 2 different colors in one for this, when calibrating it is worth checking each camera for how it sees different colors.
    I recommend that every time, with a new calibration, completely delete everything that pertains to the PCM including configuration files on the C drive.

    Eric Batesbatkey

    Ronny, look up Daley Tech youtube channel. He explain how to configure psmove service not to track the head tracker as a controller. It involves excluding the head tracking bulb.
    Also, you should not hijack a thread. 🙂

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Eric Batesbatkey.



    So that it does the rifcat-based settings for gear vr, the freepee vr codes are the same as i can use for pimax 4k?


    What is PCM?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i will have version of driver that can read any freetrack source.
    so that will fix problems you have and address problems with kinect skeleton tracking if you are sitting or too close.
    will someone test ?

    Ding DangDing Dang

    can you pls do it ,that i can use freetrack2.0?
    (im using opentrack because my phone doesnt have a gyroscope i wanted to emulate it with headtracking from driver4vr and freetrack,but in driver4vr i only can use freetrack2.0

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    what software do you use RiftCat or iVRy ? so you have static orientation and that is it ?

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