Correct steps for Kinect one and PSMOVE Controllers with PSMOVESERVICE
MY Hardware (meanwhile)
4 x PSMOVE Controller
6 x PSEye Cam but only 4 installed
1 x Pimax 4 K
1 x Kinect One
and WII Motes+ / Nunchucs
After long trail and error tour for the correct USB Device and Driver Kinect starts 🙂
So what is if there people without bueyd Controller like in your New Calibration demo Greg ? (buying i vive should not be the way to get the controller)
I am just trying to pair the psmove Controller only for rotation wihout tracking via the pseye Cams (i just disabled them)
My Idea at the end Kinect One two psmove Controller for the hands an one light Bulb or third psmove for the head.
Is this possible with Kinect ?
Or i am totally wrong and spending again hours with nothing at the end
Thx in advance