Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Optimal Configuration

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    I have an Oculus rift but am thinking of setting up my GearVR to provide a second player on my laptop. Trying to figure out what the optimal configuration would be. I have a Kinect One, a Kinect 360, a leap motion, and psmove controllers. Is it possible to use the Kinect for the positional tracking, Leap motion for higher fidelity hand tracking, and the psmove controllers for the buttons? Would that be the optimal config or would you just use the Kinect for overall positional instead of the leap motion?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i don’t support ps move as buttons for leap motion.
    basically if you have ps move controllers then in few weeks I will very likely add controller tracking with ps move controllers. so it will act as ps move service but only require color calibration. no camera calibration. what do u think?
    if you want to stay with leap motion then you need classic bluetooth vr controller.


    So the leap motion definitely works better than kinect hand tracking alone, correct? What about when the hand gets out of the leap motion’s field of view, will the kinect tracking take over? The controller tracking with the psmove controllers, will that be using the kinect? Or still using the psmove cameras, just without needing calibration? Will controllers like this http://www.ebay.com/itm/Wireless-Bluetooth-Gamepad-Remote-Controller-For-VR-BOX-PC-Phones-Android-IOS-/112197855819 work with the leap motion and kinect combo?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    yes. this controller will work with leap motion.
    i mean that I will track ps move controllers with kinect in same way as ps move service is tracking. without ps move cameras. kinect will track position of ball and ask ps move service only for direction.


    Does the kinect work well enough for head and hand tracking without any other device? If the leap motion is better, what about when you move the hands outside of its field of view? Can the kinect tracking take over in that case?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    leap motion does position and orienation tracking.
    kinect can only do position tracking. therefore it cannot take over hands as there will be no orientation.


    Thanks, but I was also wanting to know if the kinect will track the position of the hands when the leap motion can’t. For example, if I reach down to my side or behind my back to grab a gun, that is likely out of range for the leap motion so will the kinect still know my position and allow me to grab the gun? Also, is there any difference between using the kinect 360 and the kinect one?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    So in theory it can. But like I said we need
    1. position
    2. orientaiton

    kinect alone will not give you orientation so when hand is tracked by kinect only and you rotate hand you will not see that controller rotate. unless someone someday will write robust tracking of hand position by kinect 🙂
    I made some tricks for leap motion that allow you grab elements from behind. did u try that ? but yes, leap motion alone has limitations. i am not planning right now merging leap motion and kinect cause I am not sure how it would work from the orientation perspective.
    Kinect One is new and has better presicion.


    I will have to try the leap motion to see if the tricks are sufficient. Are they activated by default or do I have to enable something? It should just work if I grab something from a holster or behind my back?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i cannot be sure 100% but I was able to pick arrow in holopoint for example.
    but you must be aware of the limits of leap motion. if something is really on your back then probably leap motion is not way to go.

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