Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Oculus Touch emulation as Vive controllers

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  • #10873


    I have a little problem.

    I have a HTC Vive with 2 lighthouse without controllers (it’s a gift) and I use a Kinect One and 2 Joycon.

    When I use Oculus Touch emulation, it works in SteamVR Home, I see 2 Oculus Touch and all the buttons work perfectly (except for the thumbstick that works like I have Vive controllers pad), but when I start a game, it works as if I had 2 Vive controller and not like 2 Oculus Touch.

    When I try to change the button assignment in the steamVR settings, it shows me 2 Vive controllers and not Oculus Touch

    PS: sorry for my bad english

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    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    if you have vive headset then no need to use touch emulation

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