I have had amazing times with this software, however the past 24 hours driver4vr is finding a new controller that distorts the Oculus screens to the extent it is unplayable. I have noticed that the software keeps Oculus Touch Emulation as ON, and, if turned off and restarted, will remain as ON. I do not know how to keep it as off, as I have cleared settings and even removed and reinstalled the newest update to driver4vr and it is still keeping the emulation as ON. It causes my Oculus screens to seems to be distanced from the lenses, so that I can see the entire screens, they track at roughly 20fps, and are angled towards the ground, and am only able to look in a circle around myself as the rest is black pixels.
I am using an xbox 360 kinect with the latest update.
What is the work around for dealing with locked settings?