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  • #4193
    Christopher Kelleycpkelley

    Hey guys, I’ve recently gotten into VRChat and I’ve been learning a lot about all the things that can be done. Right now I am trying to incorporate Full-Body Tracking into my experience.

    I own an Oculus Rift and I happened to have a Kinect 2.0 lying around. After some research, I learned that these two things could be combined with the Driver4VR download. However, now that I have everything hooked up, I am still having problems and I’m not exactly sure where to go from here.

    When I start SteamVR, the Driver4VR program comes up as it should. Unfortunately, when I hit ‘Start Driver4VR’ nothing seems to work right. My Kinect comes up for a few seconds only to turn itself back off. When this happens, all of my monitors flash like a connection changed happened. This exact process repeats several times until SteamVR, Driver4VR, and my Kinect all shut down on their own until I go to start SteamVR again. I would also like to note the the ‘Kinect FPS’ is listed as ‘low’ and the ‘Driver4FPS’ is listed as ‘good’. Additionally, I tested my Kinect on an Xbox One and it worked fine.

    From the /r/VRChat subreddit, people suggested that it might be a bandwidth issue, but I wanted to see if anyone here had any ideas. I’m pretty sure I have the drivers installed properly, but maybe not. Any replies will be greatly appreciated.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    you can you verify your Kinect as described here?
    then we will know if there is anythingn with driver or kinect. you can also play where you connect usb.

    Christopher Kelleycpkelley

    I think I completely misunderstood how to use that until now. The only problem that it shows is with the USB Controller, so I guess that’s my answer. It says, “No supported USB 3.0 port detected.” What would you recommend to fix it?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Christopher Kelleycpkelley.

    I am also currently trying to figure out this issue, everything else on the Kinect verifier is good but the “Kinect Depth and Color Streams” and only get around 10fps.

    My set up is also a Rift and Kinect 2.0 using the modded adaptor.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    really hard to tell. it goes beyond my power…
    i have seen people got separate pci with usb.


    I did some messing around with the cable today and read through some USB 3.0 info, short version for my setup (as I use extension repeater cables) my cables might be faulty. I plugged the kinect directly into the pc without the ext.cable and was getting 30fps on both the Kinect Verifier and the Driver4VR.

    Also sometimes USB 3.0 cables can get temperamental if theyre are over 3m long, so out of curiosity Ive order a 5m long AtoB cable for the kinect (again due to my personal setup) so I wont need the extension.

    As for the Kinect not powering properly cpkelley, mine did the same but turned out the power wires werent attached properly to the motherboard, but this solution depends if you went modded or have a Microsoft adaptor.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    thanks for info.

    dame fabricebixto

    Solution switch on u’r room light magic back to full fps. Dont got anything to do with u’r usb 3 port. It look like kinect dont like to be blind.

    dame fabricebixto

    Quote on the verifier it’s same room light switched off 14 fps switched on magic 30 fps constant.

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