Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting oculus don't let steam vr run game


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  • #10804
    Luc LamarcheLuc Lamarche

    hi i’ve try driver4VR and it run really good for vr chat but when i try to run altspace its not working at all cause when i start the game from steamVR automaticly oculus launcher start in front of steamVR to load the game and cause driver4VR to not run in altspace do you have any idea and i’ve try the old ‘run as admin’ on the oculus-client its fixed by oculus now the screen just go black

    Paul BrophyBrophy

    I’m having the same issue, Oculus seems to take over games made with unity or unreal engine.

    Hope someone has a fix for this.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    if that goes directly into oculus runtime then it basically disregards steamvr which is where driver4vr works 🙁
    i guess it would still run with vive.

    Paul BrophyBrophy

    I asked the question on discord and got this reply.

    [15:41] P03K!: Hey @Brophy Im also using dk2. What you can do is use 0.8 sdk with steamvr.. Or use open composite for some selected apps.
    [15:41] P03K!: You can also configure a profile in OTT if you have set it up correctly

    I got the 0.8 runtime to install after uninstalling everything oculus, disconnecting tracker/hmd, install it then reconnecting everything. It detects the camera and hmd and turns it’s on correctly/can be used once I start SteamVR (without oculus-client loaded, as its no longer installed (YAY!)).

    I only got round to testing one game which was Contagion VR, however the game got stuck with a ‘black screen’.

    Paul BrophyBrophy

    @greg do you have an example how to get around this? I tried the 0.8 runtime to try and get around it but games use the newer sdk, so the majority don’t start.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i have not been playing with older sdk… sorry.

    Paul BrophyBrophy

    Yeah I mean on the latest @greg

    Sorry for the confusion

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