I have Beat Saber on the Occulus App and I wanted to try some body tracking.
I’ve purchased and configured Driver4VR and it works fine, but when I launch it, it starts SteamVR too. That wouldn’t be a problem, excepts when I want to launch Beat Saber on Oculus app, it can’t because SteamVR is running (Error message says I can’t have 2 apps running). But when I close SteamVR, it closes Driver4VR too, and thus no more tracking in the game…
Is there any way to have body tracking inside Oculus App without using Steam VR ?
I tried to add devices to Occulus App, but all I can do is add Controller or Headset
I also tried to launch Driver4VR inside my Oculus home, but additional trackers by Driver4VR are not set then
Thanks for the help