Homepage Forums Bugs not possible to navigate in steam vr some times

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  • #3413

    when usin steam vr virtual desktop mode i can not use the right thumbstick to scroll up or down ennymore and some times it does not even reconise my hand as controlers (i mean it does see the butons i use since i see them mouve virtually but does not react with the desktop ennymore normaly you click on a buton and you have a beam to point on your vr desktop) could it be driver4vr?(since before an other update it even detected my foot as hand for a moment ^^’

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    is this desktop only ? can you describe exactly case when it don’t work ?


    Having the same issue too. Whenever I have the Driver4VR driver registered (even if it’s not running) it shows me Vive controllers (I use Oculus Touch) in the SteamVR menu and they won’t interact with any of the interface buttons.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by AelixiaAelixia.
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    are you saying that you have oculus and driver makes your touch controllers look like vive ?


    Yes and it makes them unresponsive in the SteamVR menus too. The problem disappears if I unregister the Driver4VR driver.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can you please send me logs as described here?

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