Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting NOLO VR Trackers instructions

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  • #2980
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    updated tutorial is on this video


    Nolo VR works well with Oculus, it does not work well with Vive and I have not tested yet with WMR.

    Check out also another instruction provided by member.

    You can attach controller to each foot and tracker to hips.

    NOLO VR Trackers calibration with Oculus we perform in same way as for Kinect trackers.
    1. You need to turn off nolo driver for SteamVR, because driver4vr will create trackers. If you don’t, then you will have extra nolo trackers floating around.
    2. You perform calibration with Nolo head tracker on your headset in same way as for Kinect trackers. After you can attach tracker to hips where it should be located.

    Note that this is preliminary version.

    How to turn off nolo driver for SteamVR:
    1. Open Command Line (type in Start Menu cmd)
    2. Change folder to SteamVR bin
    cd “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win64”
    3. Type “vrpathreg” and you will see where nolo driver is installer. you need remove that installation by typing
    vrpathreg.exe removedriver “C:\Program Files\LYRobotix\NOLO_driver_for_windows\nolo”
    Nolo VR driver unregister
    From now on, only driver4vr will use nolovr data and create body trackers.
    If you want original nolo controllers in SteamVR back, you need to add Nolo VR driver back to SteamVR. You can do this by this command line.
    vrpathreg.exe adddriver “C:\Program Files\LYRobotix\NOLO_driver_for_windows\nolo”

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Bla BlablaGreg Driver.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Bla BlablaGreg Driver.
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    Here is also full description for VRChat provided by Desunyan on Discord:

    Full sequence of Nolo VR calibration for usage with VRChat.
    Nolo VR will only work with Oculus Rift since it interferes with HTC Vive Lighthouse system!

    Install NOLO Driver: https://github.com/NOLOVR/NOLO-Driver-For-Windows/raw/master/NOLOVR/Nolo_driver_for_windows_setup.msi
    Install Driver4VR: https://www.driver4vr.com/download/
    Charge Nolo controllers and base station.
    Pair Nolo controllers and head tracker with base station as described here: https://www.nolovr.com/pairing-en

    First time calibration and startup:
    1. Turn on base station and controllers, connect hips tracker to PC.
    2. Start Nolo VR software. All trackers and base station must be green in system tray menu.
    3. Navigate \Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win64\ folder and execute command:
    vrpathreg.exe removedriver “C:\Program Files\LYRobotix\NOLO_driver_for_windows\nolo”
    as described in this post: https://www.driver4vr.com/forums/topic/nolo-vr-trackers-instructions/
    You will need to execute this command each time after launching Nolo VR software before launching SteamVR and Driver4VR.
    For convinience you can create .bat file in \Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win64\ folder with vrpathreg string, make shortcut to this file on desktop and run it instead of typing command each time in console.
    4. Start Driver4VR software. Driver4VR window and SteamVR should launch.
    5. Select NOLO in Body/Trackers.
    6. Close SteamVR. Driver4VR should close too.
    7. Start Driver4VR again.
    8. Press Start Driver4VR button in Driver4VR window. 3 trackers should appear in SteamVR status window.
    9. Press Calibrate button.
    10. Select trackerHips from Tracker to calibrate menu and press Calibrate button in new window and follow instructions (You will need to hold VR headset and hips tracker together and move around 5 points of your room – 3 standing and 2 sitting)
    11. When done you should see hip and feet trackers in correct places when looking in VR headset.
    12. Start VRChat and play!

    How to use after initial setup:
    1. Turn on base station and controllers, connect hips tracker to PC.
    2. Start Nolo VR software. All trackers and base station must be green in system tray menu.
    3. Navigate \Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win64\ folder and execute command:
    vrpathreg.exe removedriver “C:\Program Files\LYRobotix\NOLO_driver_for_windows\nolo”
    as described in this post: https://www.driver4vr.com/forums/topic/nolo-vr-trackers-instructions/
    You will need to execute this command each time after launching Nolo VR software before launching SteamVR and Driver4VR.
    4. Start Driver4VR software. Driver4VR window and SteamVR should launch.
    5. Press Start Driver4VR button in Driver4VR window. 3 trackers should appear in SteamVR status window.
    5. Play VRChat!

    Lewis MackayLewis Mackay

    I have followed every guide there is but the Nolo Controllers are just stuck facing towards the front, they do not orientate at all. They move around in the correct place but no rotation of any kind. Cannot figure it out and it seems like no one else has ever had this issue. The headset tracker rotates fine.

    Ken WongKen Wong

    I have same issue also.
    Nolo Hand controller cannot correct rotate and move.
    Any fix is coming?

    Ken WongKen Wong

    After update nolo 1.1.9 firmware for those all hardware
    Head track is fine
    Two hand position track are fine but no rotation track
    I guess there is some control variable missed from Driver4VR to Nolo firmware.
    Let see any update for NoloDriver in Driver4VR

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i am working on that with nolo team.

    Vladislav TrojanR3bit

    Can you make update or some information status ? 🙂
    After 11 hours of fixing I saw this post i was like so thats why its not rotating xD
    God damm i spent whole day trying to fix it 🙂

    Vladislav TrojanR3bit

    Does somebody know how to revert/downgrade nolo firmware ?
    I mean it should be possible

    Tyler MerpawSHOKK

    My trackers are also stuck facing forward, while in Nolo Visualizer they rotate just fine.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    there is a build for new firmeware here.
    but it was noted that trackers after strong move they might change direction. also in visualized. that has been reported to nolo waiting for reply.

    Vladislav TrojanR3bit

    Oh if they will fix changing the direction ..that will be blessing

    Tyler MerpawSHOKK

    New Update is great for rotations to finally work again, but as you probably already know but just to double confirm. After a amount of time the hand controller fly off and then come back with incorrect rotations, requiring the user to move them around to re-orientate them.

    So sadly still unusable for leg tracking till that’s squared off. So I guess we wait for Nolo on that one after Lunars.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Tyler MerpawSHOKK.
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