Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Moving beyond around 1 -2 meters snaps back to center.


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  • #11780
    Juan Antonio TuasonPizzaBoy

    When using mouse or XBox360 gamepad (A Button + Left Stick Move) to move around it only seems to go 1 or 2 meters before quickly snapping back to the start position. Is there a way to keep on going? I tried increasing the room in SteamVR and using Room Scale mode instead of standing but it still snaps me back after 1-2 meters.

    Currently using iVry and Driver4VR.

    I also wish there was a way to configure a mouse button to access “System” so I can get to the dashboard instead of the “menu” button.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    it snaps you back in order to avoid going too far away from the game area which is not expected behaviour for the game. is this too short for gameplay or you want to cheat the game?
    i work on generic system for button mapping so the feature you ask for will be part of it.

    Juan Antonio TuasonPizzaBoy

    Not for cheating but just trying to emulate big roomscale like Oculus Quest. It doesn’t bother me as much anymore since i started using teleporting. But yes button mapping for mouse would be very useful. Thanks!

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    true. i will increase it for next release.

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