Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Movements not being relayed to game

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    I have calibrated the Kinect, and it appears to work fine in the calibration menu, but doesn’t work at all in-game.

    Update: After trying some different methods, I can get the character to spawn in, but frozen in a t-pose.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by CurtisVLCurtisVL.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by CurtisVLCurtisVL.

    I am also having issues launching SteamVR, when starting SteamVR, it won’t launch the Oculus drivers, or Driver4VR, which causes SteamVR to say Not Ready and return error code 301.


    After more testing, I can now see white dots in-game, but my characters joints don’t snap to them. Am I missing something obvious?


    Amazing that no one has found a solution to this, I want a refund.


    If you are talking about VRchat:
    Stand inside your t-pose avatar so your spheres line up with where they should be, same with your hands and head, then click both triggers to “lock” the avatar onto you.

    EDIT: You need to move using the touchpad/stick once after locking for it to start working.

    It seems to lock tracked points onto the mesh, so if the t-pose model has its feet very close it can be very hard to get it right.

    I thinks thats because of how VRchat binds to trackers and not because of the driver.

    Havnt tried this yet but if one can get a model to work when imported and has its feet spread a bit, locking onto it might be easier.

    Another thing would be to talk to the VRchat people and understand exactly how it works.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by ziddanziddan.
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