Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Movement and rotation in VRChat at normal game controller

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    I am doing VRChat using PS4’s normal controller.
    PSVR and Kinect v2 were able to track and VR display with Trinus.
    However, when I move the world, I can not move with controller or keyboard.
    Do I have to do something to deceive the normal game controller as ViveController?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    do you refer to ps move as controller?
    if yes, you need perform steps as in this video.


    I use dual shock. It is not PSMove.
    If you turn off PS4 support of steam and use it as Driver 4 VR as JoyCon, it becomes operable.
    However, it is meaningless unless a gyro sensor can be used.
    I will buy PSMove.
    Thank you.

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