Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Leap Motion & Stuck Movement

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  • #10976
    Berkan Nurtakocchi

    Hi there,
    I got a Leap Motion and I just got it for VRChat so I can move my Fingers around with it. Unfortunately I am too stupid to set it up. I’ve seen videos where people do Finger-tracking, but don’t use Driver4VR and I tried that Method, no success as well, so I wanted to ask if someone could maybe in-depth explain how to set up a Leap Motion Fingertracking for VRChat.

    The Second thing I wanted to ask is I can’t move in VRChat at all. My character is stuck. I tried to move with my PS3 Controller (as XInput, seen as Xbox Controller) but all I saw was my character being in front of my face and not moving. When I spammed move I slowly teleported to the front I’m pretty certain. Do you have any ideas why this might happen? Thank you and kind regards.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    so your setup is leap motion and ps3 controller only? no kinect ?

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