Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Leap motion is not working

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    Pearce PicardPearce32

    I only installed Orion like someone has told me and all I get is the vr controller laser pointing out of the leap in steam vr no controllers

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can you see them in leap motion visualizer?
    did you select leap motion for hand tracking ?

    Pearce PicardPearce32

    Hi Greg no I dont see them in visualizer and yes I select leap for hand tracking


    I am having the same issue.

    I have disinstalled:

    steam vr
    any leap motion driver
    any open vr driver

    than I istakked in this order:

    1) steam
    2)steam vr
    3) leap orion (https://developer-archive.leapmotion.com/downloads/external/v4-developer-beta/windows)

    4) driver4vr

    After driver4vr is installed, steam vr starts and the driver4vr menu appears.
    I set leap motion as hand controller and then I click on start driver4vr.

    What I see is a laser coming from my headset when driver4vr is on .

    When driver4vr is off I see 2 fixed vive controllers floating

    Also my hand is visible in visualiszer through leap

    Can you please help us ?

    Is this a problem of your driver or our problem ?

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    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    @Pearce32 you should first troubleshoot why they are not visible in visualizer.
    has all the services are up and running? you should see status in Leap Motion Control Panel in Troubleshooting tab.

    what headset do you have?
    can you try to turn off SteamVR Home Beta?

    Pearce PicardPearce32

    Hi greg Eatheral hawk on discord has come to the conclusion we did not install the actual drivers themselves before we installed orion.the red arrow in picture. I will get back with results tomorrow thank you.

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    Hi Greg, I have a pimax 8k and I do not have steamvr beta installed but the regular steamvr.

    Also I have followed Eatheral hawk ‘s suggestion on discord and I am still having the same issue 🙁

    Can I send you any log so you can figure out what is going on?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by MarcobMarcob.
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    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    but 8k has own leap motion. right?
    are you trying to attach leap motion there?
    anyway, do you see hands in leap motion visualizer?


    Hi Greg. Pimax did not send to us backers the leap motion module yet. I use the leap motion unit. See picture.
    The problem is not pimax related since the same problem i have has been reported by my friend here that has an oculus go.

    Yes, I can see my hands in visualizer.

    Me and my friend are having this same problem here

    Controllers not showing up in SteamVR using Leap Motion

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    Greg, this is my log for driver4vr


    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can you please download this and after you run steamvr and leap motion.

    then please tell me if you see your hands and where they are relateively to head.


    Hi Greg, my hands appear this way

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    More pictures

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    It seems like my hands are behind my head and when I move them up in the real world, they move down in your demo , and the opposite

    Pearce PicardPearce32

    It started out with laser coming out headset but I held my hands out longer it takes about 10 or 15 seconds of holding my hands in front for the controllers to show up. I also cleaned my leap free of smudges and improved my lighting with another lamp and installed only the installer where it says here (red arrow) all this and it is now working. I also uninstalled driver4vr and deleted the left over folders then reinstalled dunno if that had any impact tho.

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    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    ok. so they are in proper position. but there is some kind of delay?
    do you have same delay in visualizer?


    Greg, how about me?

    Can you please help me?

    Why my hands are in the position I showed you?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i will need to investigate it further.


    Ok. Thanks!

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    you might try temporary solutino using OpenVR-InputEmulator and play with DriverFromHead Yaw angle for each controller.


    Hi Greg. Thank you!
    I installed openvr input emulator but the problem is that in driver4vr I can’t set up together the vive controller and the leap and if I can not use both at the same time (the vive controller does not appear at all if leap is on) , I can not navigate in openvr input enulator to change the offsets of the hands detected though the leap.

    Do u have any suggestion please?

    Carlos omiytiCarlos omiyti

    Hi, I have the same issue with my Pimax 5k+ & leap motion (orion 4.0.0)

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    you can use desktop mode of input emulator.
    startdesktopmode.bat in installation folder.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i also asked pimax support for help so will see what they reply.


    Thanks. I hope you guys can figure out a solution together

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    have u tried way with inputemulator ?


    Not yet. I was hoping for a fix from both pimax and you working together.
    I will try tonight.
    Will I also be able to invert the vertical movement of the hands because when I move my hands up, they move down in the demo you shared with me and the opposite


    Hi Greg, I tested it and I do not understand what number to set to get the hands in front of me in a proper way. If I change the numbers in driverfromhead offsets, I get the left hand in different position, but the movement of the hand in front off my yes, look always like a mouse movement of when we set your program and headset in “program virtual trackers-device manager-controller emulation with mouse.


    Hi Greg, With yaw: 125 degree and x: -16 degree, I can see both controllers in front of me but:

    1) The virtual world ,around the vive controllers that I can see, is warped and upside down

    2) the right and lefts vive controllers in the vr world are switched around compared to my hands. My Right hand moves the left controller , my left hand moves the right controller

    It is a mess


    I have tried as suggested version beta of driver4vr but now the controllers appear at my feet but they do not move at all. 1 of the 2 controllers actually randomly disappear from where it is on the floor

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