Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Leap Motion hand movements

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  • #6051
    Allira JAllira J

    Am I doing something wrong? SteamVR detects Leap Motion as controllers but cannot move hands in game? Please help

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    Allira JAllira J

    They will show in SteamVR Home but not VRchat. Also the simulation of pressing a button on a controller does not work?

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    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    ca you clarify. you have wmr headset but not wmr controllers and trying to use leap motion ??

    Allira JAllira J

    I have WMR headset & controllers. I just wanted to use leap motion as well

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i have not tried that yet. i guess they might require different emulation.
    I will try to check this setup in this month.

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