Homepage Forums General Kinect360 Head tracking, need a little help.

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    Im having a few issues getting this to work as motion tracking with my Pimax 4K

    1: every time I start SteamVR a window pops up saying “to use your new driver you will need to restart SteamVR” if I click Restart it restarts the program and the message pops up again.

    2: I have the Kinect 360 mounted above and behind my monitor, angled down looking at me. it picks me up but doesn’t seem to track my head at all, as I move the tracking “ball” just bounces all over the place, SteamVR also says “device is connected but not tracking”

    I don’t need it tracking my arms, just my head but I don’t see any way to adjust sensitivity or make any real changes to make this happen.

    Seems like it could work, but im just missing something. ?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i assume you have source selected as Kinect 360. Kienct starts and you can track your skeleton. yes?
    Can you send me screen showing all this? Is D4 icon green?


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