Homepage Forums Positional tracking – head and head trackers Kinect, using arms together and aiming directly above

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  • #14950
    Brandon EberlinLordsnLadies

    Hi, I just setup kinect v1 this week and I am trying to set it up as best i can for half life alyx, but there are some issues i can’t seem to avoid. If you cross the midpoint of your body with one arm and place that arm really close to the other it starts to loss position making any close hand interaction extremely jittery, e.g. reloading and putting in a mag. Trying to aim in a perfect up position above the head is impossible atm so if i get caught by a barnacle i can’t do anything, but im not sure if that is due to the wii remotes rotation or not. I have tested and found that placing the kinect really high up will work best with arm tracking for half life but still running into these issues where the arms spazz out because they lose position. Any advice would be appreciated.


    yeah I have the same issue, IDK why but to me it seems like a controller issue, if I had PS move controllers or something that can actually track when I’m pointing straight up that would allow me to test it but idk rn

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