Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Kinect Trackers instructions

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  • #39210

    I cant use it with this error:headset error,is this software support kinectv2+valve index?




    I have not managed to configure the kinect 360 in Windows 10 Home (also tried Pro), I tried the same thing on another pc, a laptop, and it goes great with the same kinect device, I have reinstalled the OS three times, the first time just after having the fresh installation I managed to make it work but when I installed the AMD adrenaline video driver, it stopped working, I reinstalled the OS again and tried it without installing software manually but without any luck, a pity, the pc even recognizes it, it leaves me frustrated because I didn’t even get to test it with Driver4vr.


    After I changed Windows, driver4vr stopped seeing my kinect 360 . Tell me what services in windows should work so that driver4vr can see the kinect 360 ?

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