Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Kinect/PSmove Hand Tracking Question/Issues

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    Spencer WyattSpennyEcks

    Hi Greg,

    Just wanted to ask about how the Kinect/PSmove option works in regards to hand tracking. In this video, I’m only using the Kinect and two PSmove controllers (I own two PS eye cameras, but don’t know if they’d improve the experience at all).

    Is there any way for the Kinect to only handle the head tracking, while the psmoveservice handles the hand tracking/controls? using the PSmoveservice/SteamVRBridge seems to be giving me issues.


    Stephen ScanlanFunKPunK

    Greg I am also having major issues with psmove usage as per original post. All psmove configuration is perfect. The HMD in virtual space is where I’d expect but controllers are either missing, appear miles away or stuck together or jittery.

    I use iVRy on Steam add was wondering if the psmovebridge installed with iVRy is causing conflicts. The SteamVR shows 4 controllers sometimes as well as you to 3 Kinects.

    I’ve followed they tutorial I can find but nothing works. A detailed step by step document would help I think. I’m using a PSVR, Kinect 360, iVRyPSVR, iVRy psmovebridge – which I’ve also tried to disable. Any help would be fantastic, I’ve agent way too many hours on this. 💷

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    in such case you need to use camera for tracking of the controllers.
    however right now there is no way to auto calibrate both coordinates: kinect and psmoveservice. you can do it eventually manually by adjusting for example position shift/offset for headset.

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