Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Kinect (head tracking) and psmoveservice bridge steamvr driver (hand tracking)

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  • #11648
    Edd Bleachilikecaterpillars

    I’m trying to set up my Oculus Go with my PS Move controllers and ALVR.

    I’ve got the head tracking working with my 360 Kinect and I have 4 PS Eyes that I’ve calibrated to get the Move controllers working.

    If I set head tracking to Kinect Skeleton and hand tracking to off, the Move controllers show up on SteamVR and work as they should. I tried to play Superhot VR, but it only seems to respond to Vive controllers.

    I then tried setting up so that head tracking was set to Kinect Skeleton and hand tracking was set to PSMoveService Bridge SteamVR Driver, however, when in SteamVR, 4 controllers show up. 2 move controllers in front of me, and 2 Vive controllers way off in the distance.

    Am I setting it up wrong?

    Edd Bleachilikecaterpillars

    So, I was being dumb. I installed the SteamVR version of PSMoveService, when it should have been the normal one. I now only have 2 controllers, when selecting PSMoveService Bridge SteamVR Driver, which is good.

    Unfortunately, the controllers still aren’t in front of me. they’re off in the distance on the left. Is there any way of calibrating them, so they’re in the middle, where I am, or do I have to try and move them manually?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    if you have head tracking with Kinect and controllers with ps eye cameras then right now you need manually calibrate them. i plan to add simple way of calibration in near future.
    you need to click button ‘Controller Shift/Offset’ in bottom part of driver4vr. then click Advanced and use upper group to align them.


    Dear Greg,
    Are you working on this?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    yes. i am aware of it. you can do manually controller shift/offset to match kinect/psms universes. i will do a calibration that will handle this case.


    Driver4VR requires calibration with every launch, this is upsetting and kills the wish to pay for subscription

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by mongardmongard.

    @greg I have a suggestion on how to increase calibration process of PSMove in dimension. By pressing START button head camera recalibrates in the center, but if you hold the button then it’s center can be fixed in real time.
    If holding SELECT button and change controllers position in real dimension, in virtual space controllers will change starting point. Usually hands (d4vr controllers) not too far from the center of the SteamVR room, but for calibration i have to come to PC and blindly change Driver absolute offset parameters. For example X-135, Y-30, Z-77, but this parameters become irrelevant the next time you start Driver4VR

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