Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Kinect Hand Tracking

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  • #11556

    I am having some issues with Kinect hand tracking. When I start Driver4Vr and load into SteamVr home, My controllers are behind my back. Whenever I stand in a T-Pose, the controllers do not come to my hands. Sometimes the controllers do track, but they stutter and move around out of controllable. Lastly, within the first few minutes in SteamVr, it crashes out of nowhere. Is there any possible fix to this?

    I am using a Kinect 360 and have downloaded the SDK and the Development tool
    My Pc specs:
    Intel Core i5-4590 4 cores and 4 threads
    Evga Geforce GTX 970 4gb model
    16gb of ddr3 ram

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    did you do headset calibration ?
    seems from description like not.


    Yes, I did set up headset calibration.


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