Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Kinect 360 + PS MOVE + Navi + Riftcat

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  • #5229
    Santiago GutierrezSantiago Gutierrez

    Hello! I’m trying get this thing working but I’m having some problems with the PS eyes, the usb extension cords and the usb bandwidth so I’m looking into using Driver4VR and I want to know if it’ll work with my setup. I have some questions about it.

    1- Will Driver4VR work with the PS MOVE controllers and the PS MOVE Navi controllers if I use a 360 Kinect? I have 2 of both so I’ll be using the move’s gyro and magnometer but the navigator’s actual buttons and analog stick.
    2- Will I have full 360ยบ tracking with just one 360 Kinect?


    Santiago GutierrezSantiago Gutierrez

    oh yeah and the software is 20 euro, right? Just 1 buy or a monthly subscription?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    it is one time payment.
    it works with ps move and ps navi. ps navi will also work and it is seen as xinput device. you need map each button and joystick to controller.
    rigth now it works front facing only. there are plans to support 2 kinects but I cannot tell exactly when.

    Santiago GutierrezSantiago Gutierrez

    ok, perfect! I’ll be getting a kinect and this software in the week, then, thanks a lot!

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