Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Kinect 360 not detected but working in Dev Kit Browser

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    Yamil Chaarmagius

    Installed, removed, and re-installed a couple of times already without much success. I posted a week or two ago on another topic but hoping I can get a bit of assistance.

    As indicated above, Kinect seems to be working fine under the Dev toolkit browser. I am able to watch it track and paint the skeleton onscreen.

    But Driver4VR doesn’t even see it. I am running Windows 10 WMR, the first Sriver4VR install was under version 1709 but now I am on 1803. Same behavior.

    Thank you for any tips you can provide!

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    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i am looking on vrsettings file and I cannot see that you set any type of tracking for body. e.g. skeleton tracking.

    Yamil Chaarmagius

    So on the Device list, only the controllers, the HMD, and driver4vr show up. Everything under Tracking is greyed out except for Device Manager. Inside Device Manager I don’t see a Kinect device. Am I missing something? I do hope it is operator error. 🙂

    The picture below is basically what I see. Thanks a million for your help Greg.

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    Yamil Chaarmagius

    It was… I misread somewhere and didn’t understand Driver4VR needs to be stopped in order for the selection to be made. Doh! Thanks Greg for taking time to help me.

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