Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Kinect 360 failed to connect: 'Device Not Supported'

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    Royce RussellRoyce Russell

    So I just bought the Driver4Vr, and followed the instructions on installing it. I have an Xbox 360 Kinect that is connected to the computer. However, when I run Driver4Vr, it says: Kinect 360 failed to connect: ‘Device Not Supported’. I have already installed Kinect Runtime 1.8, and it says installed next to it in green. I’m not sure how to fix this/ Help would be greatly appreciated, and I would like to use what I just paid $18 for.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    what helped me in such situation was a complete uninstall and install of kinect sdk.

    Royce RussellRoyce Russell

    I have done that a few times, and what I found is that Driver4Vr launches when there is no setting for body tracking selected. If I were to select Kinect Skeleton, and try to launch it, it brings up this error.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    it launches then because there is no error like one you have.
    i assume you also tried other usb ports?
    did you restart pc post to uninstallation of sdk? and also sdk installs few components that you need to remove: Drivers, Runtime, SDK. They are 3 listed in Apps & Features of windows.


    Hi, I am having the same problem.
    Could I please get support for this as it feels like a waste of money.

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