Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Kinect 360 and colour tracking

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    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    check out this video with instructions.

    Kinect 360 does not allow manually control exposure of RGB image. This means that in normal light conditions they are too bright to uniquely tell the colour and they all will be identified as white.

    Kinecct 360 colour tracking problem

    If you track only head then this might work for you. Unless there are other sources of light in your room. But for colour trackers we need to identify few colours separately. To fix this you need put gray filter made of either sunglasses or photo camera gray filter. And right picture above actually shows that it can work very well.

    Kinect 360 solutions to fix exposure problem

    If you have gray filter then problem is relatively simple. You can use tape to connect it to middle sensor or make a ‘pocket’ that you can use to put in and out your filter like I did in picture below.

    Kinect 360 apply gray filter to change exposure

    With sunglasses it is also possible and I was using this before I got mine filters. Yes… it looks strange but it works. You must ensure that it does not blur or distort images.

    Kinect 360 with sunglasses to change exposure

    I hope it will work well for you but this ‘method’ might require some effort to set up. In case of any problem please post your question on forum.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Bla BlablaGreg Driver.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Bla BlablaGreg Driver.
    Kaeden IrvineTheDunkShot

    Guessing I need to do this for colour tracking to work on my kinect.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 12 months ago by Kaeden IrvineTheDunkShot.
    Benji BearBenjiBearBBF

    I have a Pimax 4k. I also have some PS Eye cameras, some PS controllers and some Kinect 360 cameras. With the windows closed it may be dark enough not to need a filter on my Kinect 360 camera. I am having trouble getting PSEye and Kinect 360 and PS Move working at once. Do you have a step by step install covering how you got Kinect 360 and PS Move going together? I have Driver4VR installed but maybe I am missing or adding a step.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i don’t support kinect + ps eye working together unless you use ps eye for head and hand trackign only and kinect for body tracking.

    the problem is that the light will be oversaturated and no matter what colour you will select it will be seen as white. that is why filter is required.

    Benji BearBenjiBearBBF

    Hi Greg, Do you mean using PS Eye to track coloured balls on PS move wands?
    If I use Kinect for body tracking is it OK to have the room a little dark?

    I have Razer Hydra controllers now. They seems to be working. I am expecting leap motion camera soon in mail. The Razer Hydra came with a Oculus DK2 so now I have 2 goggles. The Pimax 4K and the DK2. I have some android phones and watches that might be used for tracking. Is this possible? One of my phones has a 3D camera. I had two xbox 360 cameras but I think one is not working properly. At one stage I had the Kinect 360 working with the Kinect 1.8 development kit. Should it work with 2.0 dev kit? My PC has a strong video card but motherboard etc may be a bit old. What do you think will be the best way to use what I have?

    Benji BearBenjiBearBBF

    Is Driver 4 VR a replacement for WalkIn VR or do they work together?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    walkinvr is more toward support disabled people play vr.
    if this is not of your purpose of use then I recommend driver4vr.
    if you want tracking out of ps eye then you need use ps move service to track position and then eventually driver can be only used to feed position from freetrack.
    unfortuantely I don’t support phone’s 3d camera but that would be something really interesting šŸ™‚
    if you kave kinect 360 then you also need driver 1.8 of kienct’s sdk.
    i think kinect body tracking works well even in dark room. when I was covering the camera I could see it was working with no issue.
    I hope I was able to help. let me know if you have additional questions.


    So, does this imply that there is exposure control on Kinect One, and, that you modify it when driver4vr fires up? Because I just finished a driver4vr session and launched Kinect Configuration Verifier to get the camera lined up right (I think it was bumped since I last used it) and I noticed the picture was very, very, very dark. So much so I thought my Kinect was broken. driver4vr has already exited at this point. I’m in the middle of a few things, so I can’t reboot to verify – but if driver4vr is modifying the exposure, it should probably reset it to default or where it was on exit if it’s not, which I suspect it is not.

    Sorry, odd place to post this I know, but the bit at the top got me thinking about it.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by HyacinHyacin.
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    yes. you are right.

    owen kruseowen kruse

    What is the “best” or just a color that works with the kinect 360 because I am trying to use a red LED and can’t get it to work.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    Perhaps you can show screen of colour calibratino ?

    owen kruseowen kruse

    Here is a photo of what my color calibration looks like, if you would anything more specific let me know.

    My image would not upload so here is a link to it instead: http://prntscr.com/l6wu97


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by owen kruseowen kruse.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by owen kruseowen kruse.
    owen kruseowen kruse

    Hi looks like upgrading to gold fixed my problem. But I switched to led rods and I was wondering if I can track rotation. I think you mention this in one of your videos but not how to do it.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i am not sure if red rod will work as they have small sources of light.
    you need controllers like ps move or daydream.

    Antony DavisonAntony Davison

    if camera gray filter is hard for you to find, a few layers of the silver semi-transparent plastic they use to package and protect electrically sensitive computer components works well.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    yes. that can work too šŸ™‚


    I’m sorry, Greg.
    I’ve done what you say for using colour tracking with psmove(s) and kinect360 (filters an so on). It’s all ok. Really good. But…
    I’m using a DK2 with it’s own sensor and when i start SteamVR the “virtual” vive controllers are correctly oriented but far away from me.
    Obviously the problem is that I’m using a system for hmd tracking (Oculus sensor) that is different form controllers tracking system (kinect360).
    So, how can I align my virtual “hands” with the head? Should I use kinect360 for all, hmd and psmoves, or can I use the rift sensor (smoother!).

    Thank you very much.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    in such case I would turn on headset tracking with kinect: skeleton. keep in mind to calibrate headset orientation first.

    Igor Morozovwbfrost

    Hi Greg! I use yellow leds (3 leds) ping pong ball tracker with Kineсt 360 – its work not bad, but not very good. Sometimes my picture jumping. Driver4VR FPS is “low” or “bit low” = 20 – 40. Kineсt FPS = 29. Why driver4vr FPS is low? How can I increase it?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Igor Morozovwbfrost.
    Igor Morozovwbfrost

    When I turn my head, the movement is not smooth. When Driver4VR is off, everything is ok. I use Gear VR

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    if you have low fps that means cpu can’t handle to process colour tracking. i’d try skeleton instead.

    Eriberto RiosEriberto Rios

    Hello, I enjoy the Driver4vr and so I tried a new setup. Iā€™m running into an issue while attempting to setup calibrate 3 colors for lower body tracking. Currently using a Rift S HMD, with 3 led balls for hip and leg tracking. Color calibration works perfectly, but 5 step calibration keeps displaying my HMD is not tracking after I complete step 1 calibration. Iā€™m probably missing something simple, please help

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