Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Keyboard not detected

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  • #15455
    Girey UteyevKhangirey

    In order to detect my keyboard, I have to turn on “Controller emulation with keyboard” under Tracker Manager settings. This is a problem however, since when I’m typing in game, every time I press T it opens up the SteamVR menu.

    In order for my keyboard to remain detected, I have to open the menu, enable emulation, detect the keyboard and only then disable the emulation.

    This lets me type normally and have the emulation without the controls.

    Can you please patch this?

    Girey UteyevKhangirey


    Daniel WatsonDaniel Watson

    I’ve got the same problem unfortunately, any time I turn keyboard emulation on when I use the “t” key in game it causes a VR popup window.

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