Homepage Forums General Kaspersky Alert on driver4vr-setup.exe

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    When I want to download “driver4vr-setup.exe” Kaspersky Anti-Virus bring an alert warning of a “malware link”.
    If I bypass the alert and download the file, when I scan the file Kaspersky it say:
    Object Name: UDS:DangerousObject.Multi.Generic

    Is this a false positive or as someone redirect/infect your download file?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i did a virus check before publication and also now looks fine.
    i can see you have it on shared folder. correct? can you download file to local disk?


    I download it on my local E:\Temp :

    Same warning when I want to download at https://www.driver4vr.com/re/download.html?uid=166.

    Same warning when I scan the file: Object Name: UDS:DangerousObject.Multi.Generic.

    Kaspersky don’t like it!
    Résultat de l’analyse : le fichier est infecté
    Menaces détectées : UDS:DangerousObject.Multi.Generic
    Taille du fichier : 1,91 Мо
    Type du fichier : PE32/EXE
    Date d’analyse : 22 août 2017 00:34:09
    Date d’édition des bases : 21 août 2017 21:38:10 UTC
    MD5 : 90dab8c416a182b5c5cd0081757582d3
    SHA1 : 748e56351b2b27877b58398bf6025c3bd105eec9
    SHA256 : fc85e3bb4a0af60e5b114069b92d6ef4a7e3ba28db73f8750e05f3b2a16898fb

    I have send the file to their laboratory. I hope they find a false positive.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i sent false positive report

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