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    I’ve been successfully using joycons for a few days, but my left joycon has begun to drift.

    As is my left joycon completes a full yaw rotation in about a minute.

    I was hoping for the ability to sit it on a level surface and calibrate within driver4vr.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    this is probably something with joy con or how it connects to pc.
    i would first try to disconnect it and pair again.
    there are some troubleshooting you can find which I hope will help.


    It is an issue with the joycon. It is not a joystick issue, but a gyro issue.

    I can connect to the switch and calibrate on the switch which solves the gyro drift issue while connected to the switch, but the fix does not carry over to driver4vr when I pair to the pc.


    I too am having this issue myself. My right Joycon has a drift that makes it to go clockwise on its own.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    there must be something with calibration or it might be faulty.
    did you try to google for it? it seems to be few solutions to this problem.


    My Joycons have similar issues. My left Joycon has a strong drift to the right, my right Joycon has a really small drift to the right (they both go clockwise).

    I’m also only able to use one Joycon of each, I can’t use two right or two left Joycons (for hip rotation).

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by ChrisB.ChrisB..

    Google was of no help. The JoyCons I have, had this problem since day one when I bought them from the store brand new.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    ok. so after testing more I found my joycons they also make a drift.
    i will add option to skeleton tracking to correct yaw in same way as I did for wii.
    however some people reported good results so it must depend on model.


    Markos PriftiMarkos Prifti

    Thank you, I just tried using my Joycons and the left one would drift a lot. The right one too but not as bad.

    I’m using Riftcat to stream to my phone and skeleton tracking in Driver4VR to track the movement of my head.

    But after calibration in Driver4VR, my head only stays a few cm off the ground inside the SteamVR home.

    I tried using the OpenVR settings to raise myself off the ground but it didn’t help.

    I’ll see if I need to finish the room setup and if that’ll fix the problem.


    Thank you very much! Looking forward to the drift issue fix!

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by AikatsuyuriAikatsuyuri.

    same issue here im in the steam void place they drift as well :C

    Miguel NublaMiguel Angel

    Same here


    Same here
    I want pre-calibration

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    are you using kinect as well?
    don’t they re-calibrate with kinect as in tutorial ?


    I’m using with kinect(and HMD PSVR with Trinus)
    tutorial say “Joy-Con has horizontal drift so need do it occasionally”
    and “re-calibrate ・・・ when hand is pointing forwaed and bit downwards” in game.
    Can it always subtract the calibrated drift value?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    drift is from small errors that accumulate if there is no dedicated sensor or external camera to do it. i don’t know what it is. i am going to try other methods in Feb but can’t tell if they will help.


    hey greg all button inputs work but rotating them does not can you please help me

    Sofija MccartySofijaMccarty

    nice information

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