Homepage Forums General Is there a D4VR discord?

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    I don’t think there is one, I think it would be nice..
    Users could share information on their configurations and receive help live by others.

    Kaeden IrvineTheDunkShot

    I agree with this thread. This would also allow notifications to be easier as it is not through mail and that you can group chat to help people troubleshoot.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i can set it up. but probably forum will remain main way of communication. i will be not be able to do online support there.


    The help doesn’t solely have to be provided by you. The members of the D4VR community can work together to help bring issues to focus and to share their configurations, showing what works and doesn’t.

    I would be more than happy to assist anyone as well as learn from others on the discord it self. So I think it would be very good for the community to have a discord to voice their problems.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    here it is. but major support from my side will be here.

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